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                                May 16, 2023
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                          We are excited to participate in AB Tasty’s Virtual Experience Summit, with our own session:
                           Simplify Web Analytics: Better Ways to Understand Your Customers
                          AB Tasty and Mixpanel are joining forces to help you better understand customer insights on your site or mobile app.
                          In our upcoming webinar, we’ll be sharing how you can use Mixpanel’s powerful behavioural analysis alongside AB Tasty to identify areas of campaign improvement and implement different variations to see which campaigns lead to the best results. Our team of experts will show you how marketing teams can use precise data and experimentation to gain a deeper understanding of their users' behaviour and make data-driven decisions.
                          Learn how to say goodbye to confusion and frustration and hello to a world of intuitive web analytics. Our goal is to help you unlock the full potential of your website's data, using simple templates and walking you through the steps to get you insights in minutes. Whether you're a marketer, a product manager, or a data analyst, this webinar will give you the tools and insights you need to succeed.
                          Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from the best in the industry. Register now to secure your spot and join us for an informative and interactive webinar.
                          We look forward to seeing you there!
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