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   Key findings from the report inside.
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         1200+ marketers and creatives reveal their priorities for 2023
        The State of Content 2023
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          Read the full report here
        <span style="font-weight: 600;">
        Together with independent research firm PureSpectrum, we surveyed 1200+ marketing and creative professionals to uncover their top challenges, priorities, and tech investments for the year.
        With topics ranging from the role of content experiences in helping companies stand out in today's tough economic climate, to the importance of a well-integrated digital ecosystem, our inaugural State of Content report is a must-read for marketing decision-makers.
        <span style="font-weight: 600;">
         Key takeaways at a glance
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          According to our data,
          <span style="font-weight: 600;">
          of marketers surveyed consider investments in content creation, management, and distribution a tactical decision to safeguard their finances during uncertain times. When we look specifically at CMOs, we see that interest in investing in content for 2023 is even higher.
          The vast majority of marketers (
          <span style="font-weight: 600;">
          ) are consolidating their technology systems and/or reducing agency spend by bringing part of the content creation process in-house – while enhancing the productivity of internal teams. The focus is even stronger among CMOs in specific industries, with
          <span style="font-weight: 600;">
          of those in tech companies and a remarkable
          <span style="font-weight: 600;">
          in consumer brands planning to consolidate technology systems and/or become less reliant on external agencies.
          Speeding up time to market is a top priority for
          <span style="font-weight: 600;">
           2 out of 3
          marketers. Businesses that still rely on legacy systems—which create inefficiencies and impose silos on teams—take longer to launch their campaigns compared to peers who have already invested in a well-integrated digital ecosystem. Perhaps unsurprisingly, most marketers surveyed (
          <span style="font-weight: 600;">
          ) will prioritize investments in technology that enhances processes, drives team alignment, and speeds up time to market in 2023.
          CMOs around the globe intend to integrate DAM into their existing martech stack in 2023. Our data shows that
          <span style="font-weight: 600;">
          of marketers intend to invest in a digital ecosystem powered by DAM. Notably, all CMOs (
          <span style="font-weight: 600;">
          ) in consumer brands and
          <span style="font-weight: 600;">
          in tech companies plan to invest in a connected ecosystem with a DAM platform at the center.
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          For more insights and analysis from the report, keep reading here.
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        We hope you find the report useful. All the best,
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                Victoria Morgan
              Field Marketing Specialist, UK
              27/31 Clerkenwell Close, 5th Floor, Unit 512, London EC1R 0AT
              +44 (0) 207 0432 555
              <span style="font-weight: 600;">
               Unite. Create. Thrive.
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