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       It's almost unbelievable that we shipped Launchaco 2.0 less than a year ago. We've been humbled by our users' support, creativity, and passion. Millions of people visit websites created with Launchaco every month, and we still haven't left our beta!
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       Today, we're excited to announce that
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       is joining
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       . For those that don’t know Namecheap is the second largest retail domain registrar, renowned for excellent customer service and supporting a free and open Internet. We have long believed that there needs to be more accessible tools for small businesses and individuals to create websites with. Namecheap shares many of our values and with their support we'll be able to execute our long-term vision faster then we could have ever hoped!
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       Launchaco’s services will begin winding down and transitioning to exist within Namecheap. On November 9th, 2018 we will be stopping account registrations, until then nothing will change. In early 2019 we will send out an email detailing how you can transfer your websites to Namecheap. Of course, we’ll do everything we can to make it as simple and seamless a process as possible.
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       To all of our users with premium accounts we will be offering a free year of membership at the time of transferring your website to Namecheap. Our logo builder will cease to exist in its current form, however we hope to reintroduce certain components of it within our website builder- so please download any logos you want to save!
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       We’re really looking forward to the direction Launchaco is heading alongside Namecheap, and we think you will be too!
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       Marc &amp; Cam
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