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   MITSUBISHI: Always Evolving
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           When the world demanded greener cars, we engineered the Mirage, the most fuel-efficient, gas-powered, non-hybrid car in America, and the Outlander PHEV, the world's best-selling plug-in hybrid EV Crossover.* When we aimed to design the safest Crossovers imaginable, we dreamed up Super All-Wheel Control.
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                  Master Any Terrain
                  We conquered the world's rally stages with our All-Wheel Control (AWC) and Super All-Wheel Control (S-AWC) technology. Now they come available for the road.
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                   Master Any Terrain
                  We conquered the world's rally stages with our All-Wheel Control (AWC) and Super All-Wheel Control (S-AWC) technology. Now they come available for the road.
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           What Mitsubishi Drivers are Saying
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             Test Drive One
            Test drive one, then you will agree that it is better than Rav4, Forester, and CRV. –
    Visitor and Outlander owner
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             Reliable and Quality Vehicle
            …If you want to get more, but spend less and still get a reliable and quality vehicle then highly consider the Mitsubishi Outlander Sport. –
    Visitor and Outlander Sport owner
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             Most Efficient Non-Hybrid
            Hands down this has been the most efficient non-hybrid vehicle I've ever owned. –
    Visitor and Mirage owner
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             The Perfect Size And Features
            "Every detail is designed to raise your senses. Eclipse Cross, from the impressive power of the panoramic sunroof and rear heated seats, to the turbo engine with direct injection, is truly impressive."–
             Marco Carvajal,
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             Old Name –New Soul
            "The Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross has an outstanding overall ride."–
             Nathan Adlen,
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           *JATO Dynamics Global PHEV sales (September 2017). 2013  September 2017 sales.
           **All coverage terms are from the original in-service dates, and are applicable only to the original owner of new, retailed models purchased from an authorized Mitsubishi dealer. Subsequent owners receive the balance of the New Vehicle Limited Warranty of 5 years/60,000 miles. See retailer for limited warranty and roadside assistance terms and conditions.
           ^Optional feature. The Forward Collision Mitigation (FCM) system is a driver aid only and is not a substitute for safe and careful driving. Under certain circumstances, the system may not detect other vehicles and/or pedestrians correctly.
           ^^Optional feature. The Blind Spot Warning system, Lane Change Assist and Rear Cross-Traffic Alert systems are driver aids only and are not substitutes for safe and careful driving. Under certain circumstances, these systems may not detect other vehicles correctly.
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