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                                JULY 2023
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                         We’ve been taking some big steps to improve your analytics experience, and we’re sure you’ll enjoy these three latest additions to Mixpanel.
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                          Rewriting the rules of analytics with AI
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                         Introducing Spark, Mixpanel’s first step into generative AI. Simply ask questions about your data in plain language, and Spark will build the right chart or metric to get you the right answer.
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                         PRODUCT UPDATE
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                          Discover purchase behaviors with Cart Analysis
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                         Ecommerce companies can shape their product offering and marketing strategies by surfacing details about the items in their user’s cart (brand, category, price, etc) at different moments in their purchase journey (viewed product, added to cart, purchased)
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                         Actions speak louder than demographics, and with Behavioral Breakdowns, you can segment users by what they do — not just who they are. Now, you can measure the correlation between what a user does (ex. like videos) and how that influences a key metric (ex. subscribe).
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