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                                   <p paraeid="{a8e0f10d-39c9-4337-8b5e-3d1537ed5276}{83}" paraid="865851017">
                                    Apply for the British Airways Visa Signature
                                    Card, and get closer to your next getaway with every shop.
                                   <p paraeid="{a662a7c8-47bf-4191-a7a1-ab1dd7470426}{178}" paraid="1793021327">
                                    You can
                                     earn up to 100,000 Avios.
                                    * It could get you a roundtrip to London, and beyond, with a Reward Flight Saver.*
                                   <p paraeid="{a662a7c8-47bf-4191-a7a1-ab1dd7470426}{194}" paraid="1183889692">
                                     Here’s how it works:
                                   <p paraeid="{a662a7c8-47bf-4191-a7a1-ab1dd7470426}{200}" paraid="958017844">
                                    • Spend $5,000 within the first three months of opening your account and
                                   <p paraeid="{a662a7c8-47bf-4191-a7a1-ab1dd7470426}{206}" paraid="1021205773">
                                    you'll earn 75,000 bonus Avios.*
                                   <p paraeid="{a662a7c8-47bf-4191-a7a1-ab1dd7470426}{212}" paraid="967084109">
                                    • Then earn a further 25,000 bonus Avios when you spend $20,000 within 12
                                   <p paraeid="{a662a7c8-47bf-4191-a7a1-ab1dd7470426}{218}" paraid="2014166495">
                                    months from account opening.*
                                   <p paraeid="{a662a7c8-47bf-4191-a7a1-ab1dd7470426}{224}" paraid="235407616">
                                     And to help you getaway sooner
                                   <p paraeid="{a662a7c8-47bf-4191-a7a1-ab1dd7470426}{234}" paraid="487888067">
                                     earn 5 Avios per $1 spent at gas stations, grocery stores and
                                   <p paraeid="{a662a7c8-47bf-4191-a7a1-ab1dd7470426}{242}" paraid="966512873">
                                    (normally 1 Avios per $1 spent, that’s an additional 4 Avios
                                   <p paraeid="{a662a7c8-47bf-4191-a7a1-ab1dd7470426}{250}" paraid="699026648">
                                    each time) within the first 12 months of account opening - for up to $10,000
                                   <p paraeid="{7e3b8038-80d3-41e0-8a54-74b719547398}{1}" paraid="2058139831">
                                    in combined purchases on your card.*
                                   <p paraeid="{7e3b8038-80d3-41e0-8a54-74b719547398}{7}" paraid="1111102538">
                                     Plus, enjoy benefits like a Travel Together Ticket
                                   <p paraeid="{7e3b8038-80d3-41e0-8a54-74b719547398}{17}" paraid="1286238451">
                                    • Bring someone special to share your trip. It's yours after you spend
                                   <p paraeid="{7e3b8038-80d3-41e0-8a54-74b719547398}{23}" paraid="1102833889">
                                    $30,000 in a calendar year. Your Travel Together Ticket will give you a
                                   <p paraeid="{7e3b8038-80d3-41e0-8a54-74b719547398}{29}" paraid="1625409528">
                                    companion seat on the same flight, in the same cabin. Or 50% off the Avios
                                   <p paraeid="{7e3b8038-80d3-41e0-8a54-74b719547398}{35}" paraid="1354846932">
                                    fare when flying solo.*
                                   <p paraeid="{7e3b8038-80d3-41e0-8a54-74b719547398}{45}" paraid="1786805207" style="text-align: center;">
                                    $95 annual fee
                                   <p paraeid="{7e3b8038-80d3-41e0-8a54-74b719547398}{45}" paraid="1786805207" style="text-align: center;">
                                    * Offer Details – see below |
                                    <a data-linkto="https://" style="color:#2671d3;text-decoration:underline;" title="">
                                     Pricing &amp; Terms
                                   <p paraeid="{7e3b8038-80d3-41e0-8a54-74b719547398}{53}" paraid="1578879183" style="text-align: center;">
                                    Apply by March 9, 2024
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                                       Terms and conditions
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                                       *Offer Details
                                      <p paraeid="{c37447f9-68d5-47ce-a767-71a2cccb950b}{80}" paraid="94679421">
                                        Offers may vary depending on where you apply, for example online or in a branch, and can change over time. To take advantage of this particular offer now, apply through the method provided in this advertisement. Review offer details before you apply.
                                      <p paraeid="{c37447f9-68d5-47ce-a767-71a2cccb950b}{94}" paraid="843642852">
                                        75,000 Bonus Avios After You Spend $5,000 On Purchases In The First 3 Months From Account Opening and 25,000 Bonus Avios After You Spend A Total Of $20,000 On Purchases In The First 12 Months From Account Opening: This product is not available to either (i) current cardmembers of this credit card, or (ii) previous cardmembers of this credit card who received a new cardmember bonus for this credit card within the last 24 months.
                                       You will qualify for 75,000 bonus Avios if you make $5,000 in Purchases within 3 months of account opening. You will qualify for 25,000 bonus Avios if you make a total of $20,000 in Purchases within 12 months of account opening (for a possible total of 100,000 bonus Avios). After qualifying, please allow 6 to 8 weeks for bonus Avios to post to your British Airways Visa® Card account. (“Purchases” do not include balance transfers, cash advances, travelers checks, foreign currency, money orders, wire transfers or similar cash-like transactions, lottery tickets, casino gaming chips, race track wagers or similar betting transactions, any checks that access your account, interest, unauthorized or fraudulent charges, and fees of any kind, including an annual fee, if
 applicable.) To be eligible for this bonus offer, account must be open and not in default at the time of fulfillment.
                                      <p paraeid="{e88cfaa3-e9d8-4811-9340-9e0546f4a4e5}{194}" paraid="1171316686">
                                        Earning Avios: Rewards Program Agreement:
                                       For more information about the British Airways card rewards program, view the latest
                                        <a data-linkto="https://" style="color:#2e5c99;text-decoration:underline;" title="">
                                         Rewards Program Agreement (PDF)
                                       . We will mail your Rewards Program Agreement once your card account is established. If you become a Chase Online customer, your Rewards Program Agreement will also be available after logging in to
                                      <p paraeid="{e88cfaa3-e9d8-4811-9340-9e0546f4a4e5}{220}" paraid="1995917442">
                                        How you can earn Avios points:
                                       You’ll earn Avios points on purchases of products and services, minus returns or refunds, made with a British Airways credit card by you or an authorized user of the account. Buying products and services with your card, in most cases, will count as a purchase; however, the following types of transactions won’t count and won’t earn Avios points: balance transfers, cash advances and other cash-like transactions, lottery tickets, casino gaming chips, race track wagers or similar betting transactions, any checks that access your account, interest, unauthorized or fraudulent charges, and fees of any kind, including an annual fee, if applicable.
                                        5 Avios points per $1 spent on gas, grocery store and dining purchases until the earlier of the end of your first year or first $10,000 spent:
                                       You’ll earn 5 Avios points total for each $1 spent on purchases made at gas stations, grocery stores and on dining within your first 12 months from account opening, or until you reach $10,000 in purchases, whichever occurs first. This is an additional 4 Avios points on top of the 1 Avios point earned for each $1 spent you earn on those purchases in the program. The additional Avios points will appear on your billing statement in a separate line from the base Avios points you earn. After that, you’ll earn
                                        3 Avios points:
                                       You’ll earn 3 Avios points for each $1 spent on flight purchases made directly with British Airways, Aer Lingus, Iberia and LEVEL.
                                        2 Avios points:
                                       You’ll earn 2 Avios points for each $1 spent on hotel accommodations when purchased directly with the hotel.
                                        1 Avios point:
                                       You’ll earn 1 Avios point for each $1 spent on all other purchases.
                                        Information about earning/transferring Avios points to British Airways:
                                       Avios points earned during a billing cycle will be automatically transferred to British Airways after the end of each billing cycle. You must have a U.S. address listed on your British Airways Executive Club profile to earn Avios points in the British Airways card rewards program.
                                        Avios points expiration:
                                       Avios points will expire according to the British Airways Executive Club program terms and conditions which include maintaining Executive Club program activity for 36 consecutive months.
                                        Losing Avios points:
                                       You’ll immediately lose all Avios points that haven’t been transferred to British Airways if your card account status changes, or your card account is closed for program misuse, fraudulent activities, failure to pay, bankruptcy, or other reasons described in the terms of the Rewards Program Agreement.
                                        Rewards Categories:
                                       Merchants who accept Visa/Mastercard credit cards are assigned a merchant code, which is determined by the merchant or its processor in accordance with Visa/Mastercard procedures based on the kinds of products and services they primarily sell. We group similar merchant codes into categories for purposes of making rewards offers to you. Please note: We make every effort to include all relevant merchant codes in our rewards categories. However, even though a merchant or some of the items that it sells may appear to fit within a rewards category, the merchant may not have a merchant code in that category. When this occurs, purchases with that merchant won’t qualify for rewards offers on purchases in that category. Purchases submitted by you, an authorized user,
 or the merchant through third-party payment accounts, mobile or wireless card readers, online or mobile digital wallets, or similar technology will not qualify in a rewards category if the technology is not set up to process the purchase in that rewards category. For more information about Chase rewards categories, see
                                      <p paraeid="{c37447f9-68d5-47ce-a767-71a2cccb950b}{144}" paraid="440840750">
                                        Travel Together Ticket:
                                       Subject to availability. Taxes, fees, and carrier charges apply. British Airways Executive Club terms and conditions apply. Cardmember must make $30,000 in purchases in a single calendar year on their British Airways Visa Card to receive a Travel Together Ticket. Purchases are when you, or an authorized user, use the card to make purchases of products and services, minus returns or refunds. Buying products and services with your card, in most cases, will count as a purchase; however, the following types of transactions won’t count and won’t earn points: balance transfers, cash advances, travelers checks, foreign currency, money orders, wire transfers or similar cash-like transactions, lottery tickets, casino gaming chips, race track wagers or similar betting transactions,
 any checks that access your account, interest, unauthorized or fraudulent charges, and fees of any kind, including an annual fee, if applicable. The Travel Together Ticket will be in the form of a voucher that can be redeemed by Cardmember for a companion ticket or a 50% discount on the Avios redemption cost when travelling solo. The voucher is valid for a reward flight on flights listed in the Executive Club Redemption Table taken within 2 years from the date of issue. Cardmember is eligible for only one voucher each calendar year. Your Travel Together Ticket will be issued at the end of the billing cycle that you reach $30,000 in purchases. You will receive the voucher in your British Airways Executive Club account 4-6 weeks after the billing cycle your Travel Together Ticket is
 issued, and you will not be eligible for another voucher until the next calendar year. Once your Travel Together Ticket is issued, credits to your British Airways credit card account will not cause forfeiture of your Travel Together Ticket. All vouchers will be issued in the name of the main Cardmember who must travel on any booking where the voucher is used. The voucher cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion and is only valid if it has been acquired in accordance with the rules of this promotion. The voucher is not extendable, transferable and has no cash or Avios value. Companion must travel with the Cardmember on both the outbound and inbound journey and be booked at the same time for both directions and in the same travel class. The Chase Travel Together Ticket can
 only be used for travel on reward flights listed in the Executive Club Redemption table. Additional restrictions apply. Visit for more information.
                                       At time of publication, all reward flights and travel together tickets are subject to taxes, fees and carrier charges. For a peak, return flight from Los Angeles to London, these can amount to $651.33 in economy and $1,984.57 in business class. Subject to change.
                                      <p paraeid="{ae7dd60b-4a17-4444-8db3-7f839915aae5}{183}" paraid="10313160">
                                       The Contactless Symbol and Contactless Indicator are trademarks owned by and used with the permission of EMVCo, LLC.
                                      <p paraeid="{ae7dd60b-4a17-4444-8db3-7f839915aae5}{197}" paraid="1518875667">
                                        EXECUTIVE CLUB PROGRAMME
                                       You must be a member of the British Airways Executive Club programme. If you are not already a Member, you will be enrolled automatically if you are approved for the British Airways Visa. Avios accumulated through the British Airways Visa card will be transferred to your Executive Club account; however, Avios reported on your monthly statement from Chase may not post into your Executive Club account if you change your Executive Club address to one outside of the US. Avios earned with the British Airways Visa card will not be credited toward Executive Club tier level progression or retention. For rules and regulations of the Executive Club, please visit Redemption of Avios for travel is solely the responsibility of British Airways.
                                      <p paraeid="{ae7dd60b-4a17-4444-8db3-7f839915aae5}{235}" paraid="881449215">
                                       British Airways, Alaska Airlines, American Airlines®, Aer Lingus, Cathay Pacific, Finnair, Iberia, Japan Airlines, LEVEL, Malaysia Airlines, Qantas, Qatar Airways, Royal Jordanian, Royal Air Maroc, and S7 Airlines are trademarks of their respective companies.
                                      <p paraeid="{ae7dd60b-4a17-4444-8db3-7f839915aae5}{251}" paraid="1035706911">
                                       British Airways credit cards are issued by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. Accounts subject to credit approval. Restrictions and limitations apply.
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                                       Important notes
                                      We’ve sent you this email because you’ve opted to receive marketing emails from the British Airways Group. You can
                                      using the email address you signed up with. It may take up to 10 working days for us to action your request. Please note we'll still send you emails that relate to a booking you've made.
                                      Clicking through to
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                                      through your web browser. We never share this information with third parties. For more information, please read our
                                       privacy policy
                                      We don’t monitor this email address. If you have any questions, please
                                       contact us
                                      All travel is subject to
                                       British Airways General Conditions of Carriage
                                      . Registered address: British Airways Plc, Waterside, Speedbird Way, Harmondsworth, UB7 0GB, United Kingdom. Registered in England: 1777777.
                                      This email is intended solely for the addressee(s) and the information it contains is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please (a) delete this email and inform the sender as soon as possible, and (b) note that any copying distribution or other action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance upon it is prohibited and may be unlawful.
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