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   A new AI features, plus a recap of all the stuff we released in November
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                      New in Descript
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                    <img alt="AI Actions: Your new creative sidekick" src="" style="display: block; height: auto; width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; border: 0;" title="AI Actions: Your new creative sidekick" width="600"/>
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                    You just gave every ounce of your creative energy to making something good enough to share. Now you have to comb over the whole thing to find clips to promote it on social media and whatnot? Despondent, you cry a single tear, catch it in your palm, and add it to the nearly-full jar on your desk.
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                    Well put a lid on that sucker, because as of today Descript's AI can find your highlights for you.
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                    Find Good Clips hunts down the most share-worthy snippets in your video or podcast in mere moments, giving you a handful of clips to choose from; all you have to do is copy them to a new composition, and post. It’s also super handy for snagging excerpts to drop into presentations, or wherever.
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                       November highlights
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                   Find Good Clips is the latest of the steaming-hot AI slices we've been slinging since before Halloween. As the holidays keep coming, so will the AI tools, so stay hungry.
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                   And if you have nothing better to do right now, here's a quick recap of the stuff, AI and otherwise, we released in November.
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                       AI writing tools: unblock your brain
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                   What’s worse than staring at a blank page? Checking your credit score? Eh. Drowning? Maybe. But if you’re working in Descript, you shouldn't ever have to stare at a blank page again. This month we released a battery of new AI writing tools, like
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                    Podcast Show Notes
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                    Script Generator
                   , and
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                    Script Rewriter
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                      Move projects in bulk
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                    <img alt="Move projects in bulk" src="" style="display: block; height: auto; width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; border: 0;" title="Move projects in bulk" width="600"/>
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                   Say goodbye to all that tedious Drive-view clicking; now you can move projects in bulk. It’s a frequently requested feature that falls under “life, quality of.” Because even amid all the AI whiz-bangery, we remain committed to making Descript easier and more pleasant to use.
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                   There’s lots more. This month we improved
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                   <a style="text-decoration: underline; color: #009d9b; box-sizing: border-box;">
                    squashed bugs
                   , and added
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                    more AI features
                   than we can fit in a single email. Peruse all the new AI stuff on our
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                   . Or, to explore the deepest, darkest caverns of everything we’ve released, go spelunking in our
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                   Oh, and if you want to see a demo of all this new AI wizardry, have questions about how it works, or just want to talk to an actual, hair-growing human instead of a chatbot: Swing by our
                   <strong style="box-sizing: border-box;">
                    AI office hours
                   , Thursday (i.e., today) at 1pm PT / 4pm ET, on
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