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               <img alt="Plans auto-renew monthly at the standard monthly rate until you cancel." border="0" class="em_g_img em_img" src="" style="max-width: 480px; display: block; font-family: 'National 2', Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; line-height: 20px; color: #227954; " width="480"/>
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           Spaghetti, Ravioli, Penne
          <td align="center" class="em_color em_txtclr1 em_f25_35" style="font-size:30px; line-height:40px; color:#22793D; font-family: 'National 2', Arial, sans-serif; font-style: italic; " valign="top">
           Proof that beauty comes
           in all shapes and sizes
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            How WW helps you lose weight eating what you love:
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              When you join, we’ll ask
              <span class="em_mob_block">
              <span class="em_hide">
              what you love to eat,
              <br class="em_hide"/>
              then our
              <span class="em_mob_block">
              <span class="em_hide">
              scientists will custom-build
              <span class="em_mob_block">
              <span class="em_hide">
              your unique
              <br class="em_hide"/>
              food plan and
              <span class="em_mob_block">
              <span class="em_hide">
              activity target.
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              You’ll get a personalised
              <span class="em_mob_block">
              <span class="em_hide">
              Points® Budget to
              <br class="em_hide"/>
              spend on any
              <span class="em_mob_block">
              <span class="em_hide">
              food you like - pasta included.
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              Throw in some greens.
              <span class="em_mob_block">
              <span class="em_hide">
              Non-starchy veggies grow your
              Points Budget so you’ll never run out of
              <span class="em_mob_block">
              <span class="em_hide">
              Points or feel hungry!
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