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                  2020 Transparency Report Results
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                  Trust and transparency are two of our highest priorities. From no logging to only collecting the minimum amount of data needed to keep our tunnels running, your privacy drives all of our decisions.
                  Part of our promise to openly communicate what's happening at TunnelBear is to publish an annual report on how we use data, and how many requests for information we've received.
                  Click below to read the results of our 2020 transparency report.
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                               Read the Report
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                  Sincerely rawrs,
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                  <img alt="The TunnelBear Team" height="22" src="" style="display:block; border:none; color:#9ac56e; font-family:'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif; font-size:18px; line-height:22px;" width="220"/>
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                      Follow TunnelBear
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                  TunnelBear LLC, 200-310 Spadina Ave, Toronto, Ontario, M5T 2E7
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