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   from the Fenwick Book Club, plus cocktails from The Wolseley
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                    Fenwick Orders and Website Update
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                     We are pleased to tell you that, having made the necessary changes to ensure the safety of our colleagues according to Government guidelines, we are now able to process returns and outstanding orders.
                     As we continue to work on how we can process new orders, we thank you for your patience, and look forward to welcoming customers back to our online shop very soon.
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                 Read our Daily Muse
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                    Fenwick Book Club: Our Bookshelf Recommendations
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                    The Fenwick team have been enjoying a variety of books throughout the month including Joan Didion’s legendary collection of essays, The White Album, Neil Gaiman’s fantasy tale, Neverwhere, and Philip K. Dick’s dystopian classic Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? If you’re looking for a new book to read or want to change up genre, read on to discover what’s on the Fenwick team’s bookshelves and our selections for your next read.
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                    From the Archive: Cocktails with The Wolseley
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                    We're taking a look back at when we asked Cesar Goncalves, Bar Manager at The Wolseley, to mix up three magnificent drinks, as well as his expert opinion on all things cocktails. Ready for a refreshment?
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