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                           <img alt="Testing on the fly. | JetBlue customers have access to Vault's easy at-home or at-destination saliva-based COVID-19 test, with video-supervised sample collection and results in 48-72 hours. If you plan to travel to the U.S. from Aruba, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Jamaica or Mexico, you are now able to order a Vault test to ship back from those destinations. | Learn more about testing options | Vault Health" border="0" src="" style="display:block; max-width:600px; font-family:'Avenir Next', Arial, sans-serif; font-size:18px; line-height:22px; color:#00215a; font-weight:bold;" width="600"/>
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                  . JetBlue Airways, 6322 South 3000 East, Suite G10, Salt Lake City, UT 84121.
                   *Change/Cancellation Fees:
                  No change and cancel fees for all new bookings made before 3/31/21. Fare differences may apply. Eligible changes made will receive a JetBlue Travel Bank Credit in the amount of the flight fare plus any applicable taxes and fees, valid for 12 months from date of issuance toward future JetBlue air travel only. Rebookings are permitted during the corresponding booking window; after the corresponding booking window, only the first rebooking will be eligible under this policy, and will be subject to the fare rules and Contract of Carriage in effect at time of this rebooking. This policy applies through all booking channels. Group Bookings must be handled through 1-888-JETBLUE Option 2. Only the flight component of a JetBlue Vacations package is eligible under this policy. We recommend customers contact JetBlue to understand the cancel and change policies applicable to rental cars, hotels, and other travel product components of their bookings. Changes/cancellations must be made prior to scheduled departure (otherwise fare is forfeited). All flight reservations made one week or more prior to a flight's departure may be cancelled without penalty up to 24 hours after the reservation is made for full refund or Travel Bank Credit.
                  <a style="color:#4d90cd; text-decoration:none;">
                   View Change/Cancel fees information
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