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                   PRIVACY UPDATE
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                   Your FullStory privacy setup is getting a boost!
                    On October 19, 2021, we will turn on Form Privacy for your account.
                    What’s Form Privacy?
                   Form Privacy helps protect end user privacy by blocking FullStory from capturing form field content entered by users on your website or app. Tactically, Form Privacy is a set of CSS selector-based recording rules that mask or exclude text values and interactions with input fields. This feature is currently in beta and only available to certain Customers.
                    What about all the impact to sessions recorded before you turned on Form Privacy?
                   This change is not retroactive and will only affect future session recordings.
                    If I don’t collect the content entered by customers, how do I analyze their form behavior?
                   This is where a combination of named and defined elements comes in handy. Naming a form field that is now masked with Form Privacy means you can still search and run analysis on interactions with that element, without capturing potentially sensitive information within the form field itself.
                    Can I still safely capture specific form elements I know won’t contain sensitive data?
                   Yes! For example, you may want to capture your search bar but leave all other (current and future) inputs masked by default.
                    Rule exceptions
                   allow you to capture specific elements safely.
                    Where can I learn more about this?
                      Learn more about Form Privacy
                      Getting Started with Named Elements
                      privacy resources
                    How can I opt out of using Form Privacy?
                   If you do not want to utilize Form Privacy, you can contact us at
                    Please let us know at
                    if you do not want us to turn it on for you before October 19, 2021.
                   If you’d like to disable Form Privacy after October 19, 2021, you can do this within your FullStory settings.
                   - The FullStory Team
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           FullStory, Inc. 1745 Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, GA 30309
           © 2021 FullStory, Inc. All rights reserved.
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