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                               All‑electric 2023
                               EQE Sedan
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                               Home X
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                               Mille Miglia: Live
                               on Tour
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                                Mercedes‑Benz on
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                  Accelerating into the future.
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                  What do you get when you pair the sophistication of the E‑Class with the advanced technology of progressive mobility? The next edition of our all‑electric portfolio. Meet the all‑new 2023 EQE Sedan. This stunner pushes the boundaries of electric driving with groundbreaking features adapted from the EQS. Step into its inner sanctuary— insulated and refined— and experience pure refuge from outside noise and road vibrations. The built‑in navigation streamlines every journey, capable of calculating routes while factoring in weather, topography, charging stations along the way and more. Plus, purchasers of the new EQE
 Sedan models get complimentary 30‑minute DC Fast Charging sessions on the Electrify America network³. The 2023 EQE Sedan is set to debut in dealerships later this year. Until then, sign up for email updates to get all the details.
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                  Smart Home giveaway 2022 + Mercedes‑Benz.
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                  Living in the lap of luxury could be a sweepstakes away. Design innovation and inspiring architecture highlight the HGTV
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                  Smart Home 2022 once again— and we're proud to be part of the spectacular prize package. This year's beautiful coastal cottage, located in Wilmington, North Carolina, reveals the possibilities of thoughtful design and high‑tech features for advanced digital convenience in every room. This oasis offers 3,000 sq ft of bright and airy living with smart solutions throughout. Top it off with a sporty Mercedes‑Benz GLC SUV, plus $100,000 from LendingTree, and you're on your way to enviable bliss. Double down on your chances with two entries a day: once on
                  and then on
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                       Explore the GLC SUV
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                          CLASSIC CAR TRAVEL
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                  Drive the Mille Miglia in a vintage Mercedes‑Benz SL.
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                      <a style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none;" target="_blank" title="Book Your Mille Miglia Tour">
                       Book Your Mille Miglia Tour
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                  Fancy yourself a classic aficionado? Now you can experience racing history first‑hand with Classic Car Travel by Mercedes‑Benz. Mille Miglia: Live on Tour, a carefully curated four‑day package, begins in the Tuscan hills of Chianti Classico as you traverse the third leg of this historic race. And your chariots for this adventure are none other than vintage 1960s and 1970s Mercedes‑Benz SLs. Lodging at the exquisite Borgo Scopeto Hotel, a former aristocratic estate, ensures a restful retreat before hitting the road to tour castles, Renaissance palaces, wineries and more throughout this stunning Tuscan region. Discover the
 Mille Miglia and Tuscany with Mercedes‑Benz Classic Car Travel — a true haven for the adventurous heart.
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                            Book Your Mille Miglia Tour
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                          GIVING BACK
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                 <td align="left" class="paddingLeft20 paddingRight20" style="font-family: 'Playfair Display', serif; font-size: 24px; line-height: 34px; color: #222222;" width="100%">
                  Driving Your Future.
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                  During April's National Volunteer Week, Mercedes‑Benz USA kicked off a new initiative called Driving Your Future. We partnered with
                   Junior Achievement USA
                  <span class="reg">
                   Safe Kids Worldwide
                  <span class="reg">
                  , two non‑profit organizations that support education around technology and sustainability, career readiness, and injury prevention. Hundreds of Mercedes‑Benz USA employees across the country pitched in: reading to students, teaching financial decision making and assembling summer safety kits for children. We will continue to partner with these national non‑profits to engage in our mission to empower the next generation through educational programs. Learn more about the programs we support and how you can get involved too.
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                       Check Out Our Partnerships
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                          RED CARPET
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                  Mercedes‑Benz electrifies the red carpet.
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                  Every red carpet deserves a big reveal. And this year, attendees at the Academy Awards and Grammys got a glimpse of brilliance. First up, at the Mercedes‑Benz Academy Awards Viewing Party at the Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles in Beverly Hills, we revealed the Concept EQG by Mercedes‑EQ. The likes of actor Jon Hamm, who voices Mercedes‑Benz TV commercials, had a chance to see the remarkable all‑terrain vehicle, powered with pure electricity, up close. Next up at the Grammys, Cole Walliser pulled out all the stops, directing this year’s GlamBot Live from E! with the glamour, vision and high-tech
 performance of the all-new Mercedes‑AMG SL. Follow us on Instagram to relive these dazzling events.
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                          CREATE YOUR MERCEDES ME ID
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