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   Join this in-person, interactive workshop on how to select the right metrics for your product.
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                             <a style="text-decoration: none; color: #1f1f24; display: block;" target="_blank">
                              A custom analytics strategy for product growth
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                             It can be hard to take your product to the next level. But with an analytics strategy built to help each contributor focus on what matters, clearly define roles and responsibilities, and set metrics that have the buy-in of everyone up and down the leadership chain, it’s much easier to innovate and grow.
                             Join Mixpanel, Product-Led Alliance, and a select group of product and analytics professionals on 23 September in London at this interactive workshop on how to build a custom analytics strategy that's right for
                             Following the workshop, you're invited to stick around for a PLA meetup featuring a panel discussion on analytics best practices and plenty of networking time with your peers.
                             After so long stuck at home, we look forward to welcoming everyone to this in-person event but seating will be limited. RSVP today to secure your spot.
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                                 Thursday, 23 Sept.
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                                 Fora – Soho
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                                <div class="mktoText" id="hero3__address6d9e3cbd-6f2d-4622-9ae3-2631849a5313">
                                 33 Broadwick St., London W1F 0DQ
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                         Save Your Seat
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                          Meet the speakers:
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                             <strong style="font-weight: 700; text-transform: capitalize; padding-right: 6px;">
                              Harriet Kaufman
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                             Manager of Customer Success &amp; Professional Services at Mixpanel
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