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   This WHM, find guidance and inspiration with these fearless feminist leaders.
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        This Women’s History Month, we’re uplifting women who have braved the odds to ensure that everyone can pursue their dreams. And because that work is ongoing, our experts’ guidance is essential. Join MasterClass and learn how to take charge of your future—and help others do the same.
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      Rewrite the rules of business
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     <span style="font: normal 16px/24px Arial; text-align: center;">
      with Whitney Wolfe Herd, founder and executive chair of Bumble
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         Start Learning
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      Reap the rewards of creative risk-taking
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    <td style="padding: 0px 15px 5px; background: #000000;">
     <span style="font: normal 16px/24px Arial; text-align: center;">
      with Ava DuVernay, award-winning director of
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      <img alt="Martha Stewart" src="" style="vertical-align: top; max-width: 480px; width: 100%;" width="480"/>
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      Own your ideas, get big results
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     <span style="font: normal 16px/24px Arial; text-align: center;">
      with Martha Stewart, entrepreneur, author, and overall lifestyle boss
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      Instructor Spotlight
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      Whitney Wolfe Herd
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     <p style="font: normal 16px/24px Arial; letter-spacing: 0.02em; text-align: left; margin: 0; color: #000000;">
      Whitney never thought she’d revolutionize the dating world. But after experiencing a raft of online harassment, she knew there had to be a better way to meet people online. Bumble, her groundbreaking app, has changed the game for countless women—and now she’s here to help you disrupt the business world.
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      What you’ll do:
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        Learn to be an authentic leader who challenges convention.
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        Learn to boost brand awareness using creative marketing.
       <li style="font: normal 16px/24px Arial; margin: 0 0 5px;">
        Spark a big idea by paying attention to what in the world is
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      <img alt="Naomi Campbell" src="" style="vertical-align: top; max-width: 480px; width: 100%;" width="480"/>
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      Your Fashion Week launchpad
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     <p style="font: normal 16px/24px Arial; letter-spacing: 0.02em; text-align: left; margin: 0; max-width:420px;">
      While Paris Fashion Week is in full swing, learn how to break into the industry with supermodel, activist, and cultural icon Naomi Campbell. She’ll teach you how to network with photographers, agents, and designers; present yourself on social media; and build a lookbook that can land you gigs.
      Become a MasterClass member today.
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         Get Access
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      Move the Movement
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     <p style="font: normal 16px/22px Arial; color: #000000; letter-spacing: 0.02em; text-align: left; margin: 0; max-width:420px;">
      Understand four of the most powerful ideas behind the gender liberation movement.
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              Gloria Steinem and Tina Tchen
            discuss the vital, oft-invisible work of caregiving.
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              adrienne maree brown
            breaks down the gender binary as a social construct.
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               Start Learning
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