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   Breitling introduces a new chronograph to its Professional range: the Endurance Pro
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                    The new Breitling
                    Endurance Pro
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                     What watch do the world’s best triathletes wear between races? The new Breitling Endurance Pro!
                     Breitling’s newest timepiece is as much for elite athletes as it is for casual sporting enthusiasts that push their limits on all their personal missions. Made with Breitlight® and powered by innovative SuperQuartz™ technology, this everyday chronograph takes the storied Breitling Professional collection on a sprint into the world of sport.
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                             ENDURANCE PRO
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                             ENDURANCE PRO
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                     Get active with Breitling &amp; Strava
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                     Complete 500 minutes of activity in 2 weeks and you could win an Endurance Pro watch, a Breitling Colnago C64 bike and a Breitling Q36.5 Cycling Kit!*
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                     Run, swim &amp; bike with Breitling’s Triathlon Squad
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                     Perfectly timed to coincide with the launch of the Endurance Pro, Breitling introduces a new squad and its three legendary members. Jan Frodeno, Daniela Ryf and Chris “Macca” McCormack make up Breitling’s Triathlon Squad and served as the inspiration behind the high-precision Endurance Pro.
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