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            <img alt="Moving on... After 60 wonderful, 10 questionable, and approximately 295 days, we are leaving 2020 to pursue other opportunities. We have grown so much in this challenging yet educational year. While it hasn't always been easy, this experience is something that we'll never forget. Because, really, what can we say about our time with 2020? While there aren't enough carry-on bags to fit the emotional baggage of this year, it wasn't all terrible. " src="" style="max-width:550px;display:block;margin:0;padding:0;text-decoration: none;outline: none;border: 0px none transparent;" width="550"/>
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            <img alt="For starters, we made a lot of bread (sourdough hits differently in quarantine). We watched Tiger King (and still have questions for Carole). We doom-scrolled the internet but daydreamed about starting that book, that movie, that move. Oh yeah! A lot of us packed up our apartments and put down roots in far-flunng places (Boulder counts, right?). We Zoomed through the year, together, but apart. We learned how to travel closer to home, and celebrated our roots by supporting our neighbors. It was good, bad, beautiful, and ugly. But we made it, and maybe most importantly,2020 remined us to look for the good out there. While it may seem ar d tosee at a (socia) distance, it's something we'll carry (on) with us in our future endeavors. So, 2020, you've been a real one. We'll see you on the othter side. Yours Truly, Tripadvisor" src="" style="max-width:550px;display:block;margin:0;padding:0;text-decoration: none;outline: none;border: 0px none transparent;" width="550"/>
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