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   Meet Fin AI in the Inbox
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                   Meet your new AI assistant
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                   Your support team may already know and love Fin, our
                   <a id="" target="_blank">
                    AI chatbot
                   , which can resolve over 50% of support issues instantly.
                    Now the power of Fin is also in the inbox
                   ! Your agents can win serious time back with these powerful Fin AI features at their disposal.
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                           Understand context instantly
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                           <span style="text-decoration: underline;">
                            Fin AI Summarize
                           instantly generates concise summaries of customer issues and conversations, giving your team the context they need to resolve them efficiently.
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                           Personalize replies
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                           <span style="text-decoration: underline;">
                            Fin AI Compose
                           allows you to rephrase messages for tone and voice, fix spelling errors, translate replies into 10 languages, and more. Giving customers a personal touch has never been easier.
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                           Auto-populate ticket details
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                           <span style="text-decoration: underline;">
                            Fin AI Autofill
                           automatically fills in titles and descriptions when you convert conversations to tickets, saving support reps valuable time and energy.
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                   Let Fin handle the details so your team can focus on delivering exceptional, personalized support.
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                       <a style="color: #FfFFFF; text-decoration: none;" title="Intercom">
                        Learn more →
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                   Olivia Singarella
                   Senior Product Marketing Manager
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