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               It’s your Finimize analyst team here.
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                🌎 The World This Week
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               There’s a reason why founders love finding a niche: the more competition you’re up against, the more money you’ll lose to your rivals. Well, unless you’re the Magnificent Seven. The
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                tech stocks tend to thrive in particularly tight spaces, and there are five simple secrets that explain why
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               The biggest isn’t always the best when it comes to investors, though. Some of the greatest portfolios in the world were lovingly crafted by non-professional investors, and when you look at the details, there’s a common theme between them and the pros. So no matter who you idolize the most, here’s
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                how to invest like Peter Lynch or Chris Camillo
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               Ask a few professional investors what they’d do with $10,000, and you’ll get some stellar investment hints. (Okay, and maybe a couple of votes for business class flights.) So given that a bunch of leading wealth advisors just shared their top ideas with Bloomberg, let’s
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                check out their brightest investing ideas
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               Countries funneled more money than ever into their defense budgets last year – a record $2.2 trillion – as geopolitical tensions refused to let up. And while ‘Murica is often the face of camo pants, this time,
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                Europe’s defense stocks are the ones that have investors up in arms
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               Enjoy the rest of your weekend and stay classy ✌️
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               Your Finimize Analyst team
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                📍 Be in the right place at the right time.
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               And by right place, we mean right here:
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                promote your brand to reach hundreds of thousands of sharp, active investors
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