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   With the PizzaExpress Club.
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            Turns out,
            mums do have
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            Mother's Day
            Celebration Menu
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            From just
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            Sunday 10th March
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               Find mums favourites on our Mother's Day Celebration Menus, with our limited-edition Heart-Shaped Dough Balls. Mark the occasion with two courses for just £17.95 or add a showstopping dessert and enjoy three courses for only £21.95, with the PizzaExpress Club. Join the Club and let's raise a glass of Prosecco to Mums everywhere.
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                        Book now
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                        Join the Club
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        <p style="color:#ff6d66; font-family: 'DMSans Regular', system-ui, 'sans-serif'; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; margin: 0;">
         PizzaExpress Club non-members: 2 courses £19.95 or 3 courses £23.95.
         <a style="color: #ff6d66; text-decoration: underline;">
          Terms &amp; conditions apply
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              <p style="color:#ff6d66; font-family: 'DMSans Regular', system-ui, 'sans-serif'; font-size: 18px; line-height: 28px; margin: 0">
               Pick up your favourite pizzas and pastas in your next Tesco grocery shop and have them ready in the freezer, for whenever you want them.
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               Shop now
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            Promoter Head Office: PizzaExpress, Hunton House, Highbridge Estate,
                                                Oxford Road, Uxbridge UB8 1LX
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