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        We’re updating our
        <a class="[object Object]" style="font-size:inherit;font-weight:inherit;color:inherit;text-decoration:underline">
         Terms of Service
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         Payments Terms of Service
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         Host Damage Protection Terms
        <a class="[object Object]" style="font-size:inherit;font-weight:inherit;color:inherit;text-decoration:underline">
         Rebooking and Refund Policy
        , some of our other terms and policies (“Terms”), and our
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         Privacy Policy
        . We are making these updates to support our evolving business and new features, to provide additional helpful information about how personal information is processed, and to address upcoming laws and regulations.
        From time to time, we adjust our fees to better align with the value we provide. Some bookings require our platform to operate across different currencies. Starting April 1, 2024, for cross-currency bookings, the guest service fee will include an additional amount of up to 2% of the booking total before taxes. This will be applied when the currency the guest uses to pay differs from the currency that the Host set for their listing. See
        <a class="[object Object]" style="font-size:inherit;font-weight:inherit;color:inherit;text-decoration:underline">
         Airbnb Service Fees
        in the Help Center for further information.
        The updated Terms and Privacy Policy will go into effect for existing users on March 28, 2024. After that date, you will need to agree to the updated Terms and acknowledge the Privacy Policy in order to book or manage reservations. Your use of the Airbnb Platform from that date onward will be subject to the updated Privacy Policy.
        We encourage you to review the updated Terms and Privacy Policy in full, and you can
        <a class="[object Object]" style="font-size:inherit;font-weight:inherit;color:inherit;text-decoration:underline">
         download hard copies
        for your reference. We’ve also provided an overview of how our Terms, Privacy Policy, and guest service fee are changing in our
        <a class="[object Object]" style="font-size:inherit;font-weight:inherit;color:inherit;text-decoration:underline">
         Help Center
        . If you disagree with the updated Terms or Privacy Policy, you may terminate your agreement with Airbnb at any time by deleting your account.
        Thank you for being a member of our community.
        The Airbnb Team
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           Airbnb Ireland UC
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           8 Hanover Quay
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           Dublin 2, Ireland
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