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                                                 WHAT'S NEW
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                                                  ClickUpdates 2.122
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                         <h1 class="dark-mode_white-text" style="font-family: Axiforma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 36px; padding: 0; margin: 0;">
                          Whiteboards in ClickUp!
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                          Whiteboards in ClickUp is officially out of Beta and they're better than ever! Take advantage of exciting new updates including a super intuitive Object menu that lets you edit and format objects with ease. We've also added a fit-to-screen function that orients you to your Whiteboard so you never get lost in the canvas abyss, and so much more!
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                          View Release Notes
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                          New Features
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                                    Turn ideas into actions with Convert Object
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                                   ClickUp Whiteboards is the only visual collaboration solution that directly connects your ideas to your work. Unlike other virtual whiteboards, ClickUp can convert shapes, text, and sticky notes into an assignable task with a single click.
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                                    Brainstorm efficiently with free-form Mind Maps
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                                   Create a new Mind Map in any Whiteboard to break down big ideas into actionable items. Add images, free hand drawings, text boxes, and more, alongside your Mind Map to visualize your ideas better than ever!
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                                    Get started with ease using Templates
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                                   Empower your team to get started out of the box and jumpstart their brainstorming sessions, run more effective team standups, deep-dive with retros, and more, with Templates!
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                                    Organize and access important Whiteboards in the Sidebar
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                                  <p class="dark-mode_white-text" style="padding: 0; margin: 0;">
                                   Stay organized by adding new Whiteboards to your Sidebar so you can quickly access your best ideas and plans!
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                           Upcoming Webinars
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