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   It's Sexual Health week. And we’re buzzing to join the conversation!
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                             Log in
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                        It's Sexual Health week.
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                        And we’re buzzing to join the conversation!
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                       Together with a little help from our lovely Klarna retailers, we’ve put together a shoppable wish list on the topic; bringing together the very best in lubricants and intimate cleansers, sex toys and vibrators, and much more.
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                             Check out the wish list
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                               <strong style="font-weight: 700 !important;">
                                WIN the ultimate self love bundle.
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                               We're giving away £300 worth of fab products from Ann Summers, Beauty Bay and Lovehoney. Head over to Instagram to enter!
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                                     Enter now
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                            Join Cult Beauty's #VULVALUTION.
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                           Shop Sexual Pleasure &amp; Wellness at
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                             Cult Beauty
                           and they'll donate 10% of profits from sales within the category to The Lady Garden Foundation.
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                       Our specialist Klarna retailers are totally clued up when it comes to sexual wellness. And we’re not just talking about products and accessories, but the tips and education behind them too. Here are just a few of our favourite resources from
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                         Ann Summers
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                         Beauty Bay
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                            8 ways to improve your sexual confidence.
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                            10 things you wish you'd learnt in sex education.
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                            The Oh! Spot: Consent and safety.
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                   Klarna UK Limited
                   33 Cavendish Square
                   W1G 0PW, London
                   United Kingdom
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                   Credit is provided by Klarna Bank AB (publ). Finance is only available to permanent UK residents aged 18+, subject to status, terms and conditions apply.
                   All content of this email is the property of Klarna Bank AB (publ) © 2020
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