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                     <img alt="Coming May 10 Pilot your perfect travel expirence. No two travelers are alike, which is why the new TrueBlye (1) lets you customize your experience and enjoy valuable rewards - even if you only travel once in a while. Pick your perks. Our new menu of Perks You Pick lets you choose whats most valuable to you. Select your first perk when you reach 10 tiles - and add a new perk when you reach 20, 30 and 40 tiles. (1) Get settled sooner wih Group B boarding. (Exludes Blue Basic Fares.) Access an expidited security lane at dozens of airports. (2) Access an expiedities security lane at dozens of airports. (2) (3) Free alcoholic drink with each flight (21+).(4) 2X points bonus on a JetBlue Vacations Package (one-time use). (3)  (5) Boost your TryeBlue balance with 5,000 points. " border="0" src="" style="display:block; max-width:600px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:18px; line-height:22px; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold;" width="600"/>
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                     <img alt="Coming May 10 Pilot your perfect travel expirence. No two travelers are alike, which is why the new TrueBlye (1) lets you customize your experience and enjoy valuable rewards - even if you only travel once in a while. Pick your perks. Our new menu of Perks You Pick lets you choose whats most valuable to you. Select your first perk when you reach 10 tiles - and add a new perk when you reach 20, 30 and 40 tiles. (1) Get settled sooner wih Group B boarding. (Exludes Blue Basic Fares.) Access an expidited security lane at dozens of airports. (2) Access an expiedities security lane at dozens of airports. (2) (3) Free alcoholic drink with each flight (21+).(4) 2X points bonus on a JetBlue Vacations Package (one-time use). (3)  (5) Boost your TryeBlue balance with 5,000 points." class="em_mobile em_img" src="" style="display: none; mso-hide: all; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#ffffff;max-width:640px;" width="100%"/>
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                     <img alt="Mosaic Perks You Pick. Our new menu of Mosaic Perks You Pick lets you customize your expirence. Choose your first perk when you reach 50 tiles - and keep picking one of the following perks each time you level up. (1) $99 Statement Credit on Select JetBlue Credit Cards (4) (2) Pet Fee Waiver (3) Mint Suite Priority (4) 20 - Tiles Bonus (5) 15,000 - Point Bonus (6) FoundersCard Blue Membership. Thats in addition to a plane-load of exlusive Mosaic Signature Perks, like free checked bags, inflight alcholic bevrages (21+), and Even More Space seats." src="" width="600"/>
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                     <img alt="Mosaic Perks You Pick. Our new menu of Mosaic Perks You Pick lets you customize your expirence. Choose your first perk when you reach 50 tiles - and keep picking one of the following perks each time you level up. (1) $99 Statement Credit on Select JetBlue Credit Cards (4) (2) Pet Fee Waiver (3) Mint Suite Priority (4) 20 - Tiles Bonus (5) 15,000 - Point Bonus (6) FoundersCard Blue Membership. Thats in addition to a plane-load of exlusive Mosaic Signature Perks, like free checked bags, inflight alcholic bevrages (21+), and Even More Space seats." class="em_mobile em_img" src="" style="display: none; mso-hide: all; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#ffffff;max-width:640px;" width="100%"/>
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                     <img alt="New Perks and benefits for Jetblue cardmembers. Jetblue Plus Card: Now you can redeem points for a statement credit with Points Payback (7), up to $1,000 per year. Terms apply. JetBlue Buisness Card: Get on board earlier with Group A boarding (JetBlue-operated flights). (7) Terms Apply. " src="" width="600"/>
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                     <img alt="New Perks and benefits for Jetblue cardmembers. Jetblue Plus Card: Now you can redeem points for a statement credit with Points Payback (7), up to $1,000 per year. Terms apply. JetBlue Buisness Card: Get on board earlier with Group A boarding (JetBlue-operated flights). (7) Terms Apply." class="em_mobile em_img" src="" style="display: none; mso-hide: all; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#ffffff;max-width:640px;" width="100%"/>
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                     <img alt="Important Dates. We look forward to rolling the new program out of the hangar this May. 1/1/23 is when the new program year starts. Combined qualifying spend(8) on travel and JetBlue credit cards starts now. 1/1/23 thru launch TrueBlue program and perks unchanged. Mosaic-Qualifying Points still track toward Mosaic Tile accrual tracked behind the scenes. Launch is 5/10/23. New program &amp; perks go live. View tile tracker &amp; points balance. View Mosaic level &amp; perks. Pick Your Perks (if earned).  
" border="0" src="" style="display:block; max-width:600px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:18px; line-height:22px; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold;" width="600"/>
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                     <img alt="Important Dates. We look forward to rolling the new program out of the hangar this May. 1/1/23 is when the new program year starts. Combined qualifying spend(8) on travel and JetBlue credit cards starts now. 1/1/23 thru launch TrueBlue program and perks unchanged. Mosaic-Qualifying Points still track toward Mosaic Tile accrual tracked behind the scenes. Launch is 5/10/23. New program &amp; perks go live. View tile tracker &amp; points balance. View Mosaic level &amp; perks. Pick Your Perks (if earned)." class="em_mobile em_img" src="" style="display: none; mso-hide: all; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#ffffff;max-width:640px;" width="100%"/>
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                 2. May not be available at all airports, for additional information please visit:
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                 3. Members selecting the JetBlue Vacations Bonus perk will earn this benefit on the 6 TrueBlue points per eligible dollar spent on airfare and 1 TrueBlue point per eligible dollar spent on hotels, car rentals, cruises, and transfers calculated based on the member's individual proportionate share, as determined by JetBlue, of a JetBlue Vacations package booking; members selecting this perk will not earn the bonus on any other individual travelers portions of the booking. Points bonus does not apply to the Mosaic bonus, any credit card bonus, or any additional bundled points or promotional points.
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                 4. The $99 Statement Credit on Select JetBlue Cards is available to Barclays JetBlue Plus World Elite Mastercard® and JetBlue Business Mastercard® cardmembers only. You will be eligible to select this perk after reaching Mosaic 1 status. The perk can only be redeemed once per Mosaic qualifying year. If you switch products from Barclays JetBlue Plus Card to the Barclays JetBlue Card, you will no longer be eligible for this perk. The statement credit will appear 2-4 weeks after you select the perk. Your Card Account will not be eligible to receive the statement credit if it is closed or in default under your Cardmember Agreement at the time of fulfillment. Statement credits reduce your Card Account balance but cannot be applied toward any minimum payment requirement and are otherwise subject to the terms and conditions applicable to your Card Account.
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                 6. Even More Space seats are free at check-in for Mosaic 1 and free at booking for Mosaic 2 and above.
                 7. Benefits are available starting 3/1/23. Please refer to the Reward Rules within the Terms and Conditions for additional information about the rewards program when you apply. If you are already a cardmember, please login at
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                 for updated Barclays JetBlue Reward Rules on or after 3/1/23.
                 8. Qualifying travel spend excludes government taxes and fees and travel insurance. All net purchases are qualifying credit card spend. See TrueBlue
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                 The JetBlue Plus World Elite Mastercard (JetBlue Plus Card) and the JetBlue Business Mastercard (JetBlue Business Card) are issued by Barclays Bank Delaware pursuant to a license from Mastercard International Incorporated. Mastercard, World Mastercard, World Elite Mastercard, World Elite Mastercard for Business, and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.
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