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   Three meals, so many deals
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             Here’s the plan*
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               Get 50% off a $15+ Wendy’s breakfast
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               Free coffee with a $15+ Dunkin’ order
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               Get $3 off $22+ at Taco Bell
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               Get $5 off $25+ at Jersey Mike’s
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                *Wendy’s: Order subtotal must be at least $12 (before tax, tip, and fees). Maximum discount is $10. Available for eligible orders placed on 1/1/24 until 10:30 AM local time.
                Dunkin': Order subtotal must be at least $15 (before tax, tip, and fees). Discount will apply to one coffee item, up to a maximum discount of $6 off. Discount applies to the lowest value eligible item. To redeem, select one coffee from the menu prior to checkout. Available for eligible orders placed on 1/1/24 until 11:39 PM local time.
                Taco Bell: Order subtotal must be at least $22 (before tax, tip, and fees). Maximum discount is $3. Available for eligible orders placed on 1/1/24 until 11:39 PM local time.
                Jersey Mike’s: Order subtotal must be at least $25 (before tax, tip, and fees). Maximum discount is $5. Available for eligible orders placed on 1/1/24 until 11:39 PM local time.
                Pizza Hut: Order subtotal must be at least $25 (before tax, tip, and fees). Maximum discount is $5. Available for eligible orders placed on 1/1/24 until 11:39 PM local time.
                KFC: Order subtotal must be at least $20 (before tax, tip, and fees). Maximum discount is $5. Available for eligible orders placed on 1/1/24 until 11:39 PM local time.
                All Offers: Available only on delivery orders from participating restaurant locations on the Grubhub platform (including Seamless). Brand specific offer details included below. Subject to restaurant availability. Users will remain responsible for any applicable tax, fees, and optional tip. Discount will automatically apply at checkout (no promo code required). Cannot be combined with certain other discounts or cash. Limit one (1) redemption per user. May not be applied toward orders containing alcohol. Only valid on personal (non-corporate accounts). Not valid for catering or group orders. Offer and participation are subject to the Grubhub Terms of Use (including the Perks Terms of Use), available at
                . Grubhub reserves the right to cancel, suspend and/or modify any aspect of or the entirety of this offer, for any reason at any time, with or without notice, including, without limitation, if any fraud or technical failure impairs the integrity or proper functioning of the offer.
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