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   Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with 50% off Pro! 🍀
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                    What's been going on in March?
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                    This month, we've been celebrating St. Patrick's Day with some classic Irish phrases and reflecting on COVID lockdowns 1 year on.
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                    Feature of the month
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                    St. Patrick's Day Phrases
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                   What's the craic? We'll tell you. So, the likelihood is that you can’t go to the pub to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Use the time you would've spent celebrating 🍻 and learn some Irish words and phrases that only a local would teach you to say!
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                    Check it out
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                       Read our latest blog post!
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                       COVID Learners: One Year On
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                      Language learning was a popular lockdown hobby. From the comfort of their couches, people discovered new cultures, explored new worlds and listened to real native speakers.

In this exclusive blog post, 3 people that started learning in the first UK lockdown discuss the highs and lows of their language journeys.
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                       Our latest video
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                       Treat yourself to a minute (or two!) of Memrise
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                      It's impossible to learn a language unless you can master 3 key skills: translating words and phrases, understanding them in real-life situations and being understood by other people. 

Makes sense. But how do we help you do that? Check out our new video to learn more.
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                       Watch now
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                       Missed the flash sale? 😱
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                       We've got you covered!
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                      Keep your eyes peeled! 👀  As a little gift from us to you, we're giving you a whole year of Pro at half the regular price. Make March the month you really progress with French!
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