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   Plus, discover why you should make your bedroom an urban jungle this summer.
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             Sow the seed for sweet dreams
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             With summer and all its diversions just around the corner, now is the moment to get sleep firmly rooted (so to speak) in your routine.
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             Did you know that
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               certain plants
             are incredible for sleep? They can naturally purify air, contribute to a healthier sleeping pattern, and reduce stress and anxiety. That’s why this month, we’ve partnered with
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             , the purveyors of the urban jungle.
            <span style="font-size: 14px;">
             Until 7 May, you could win a
              £600 Patch
             voucher along with your very own Simba Hybrid® Mattress. Imagine for a moment drifting off to sleep in a well-oxygenated, forest every night. Now, thanks to our friends at Patch and a supremely comfortable Hybrid® of your own, you really can.
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