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            8 Ways To Improve Cumulative Layout Shift
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            Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is the name of a new Google Core Web Vital that measures the amount of content movement that occurs on a web page as it loads. In our latest article for
            <a style="color: #ED7233" target="_blank">
             Hacker Noon
            , Duda includes eight helpful tips for improving CLS.
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             Read Now
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            Sneak Peek: See the Power of DudaFlex!
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            DudaFlex is still in beta, but we want to give you an idea of what’s coming! Check out these
            <a style="color: #ED7233" target="_blank">
             18 fantastic examples
            of the pixel-perfect designs you’ll be able to create with this powerful new feature.
            <img alt="tada" class="ic_emoji_img" height="16" src="" style="height: 16px; max-width: 16px; min-height: 16px; width: 16px" width="16"/>
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             See Examples
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            25 Awesome Website Widgets
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            Widgets can be used to add design elements to a page, improve usability and functionality, and integrate third-party tools. With so many options available, we wanted to highlight
            <a style="color: #ED7233" target="_blank">
             25 widgets
            we think are worth considering on almost any site you build.
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             See Widgets
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