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   Grow your business by understanding where and why users drop off. No matter what
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                          Inside Mixpanel: Live Demo + Q&amp;A
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                             Interested in driving product adoption, boosting acquisition, reducing churn, and improving profitability? Want to learn how Mixpanel can help, and get your questions answered live?
                             Join us on
                              Thursday, 24 September at 10am BST / 11am CEST
                             for a live demo + Q&amp;A with our product analytics expert, Kevin Chang.
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                              Register now
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                          Don't miss out on learning about:
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                                 Segmentation – Who are my most profitable users? What do I do with that info?
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                                 Conversion rates – Where are users dropping out of the funnel?
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                                 Impact of product releases – When I push a new feature or initiative, how can I easily see what happened?
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                                 How can I do all this without a PhD in Astrophysics or needing SQL?
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                         <div class="mktoText" id="txt__block__content244ddb73-ff55-43bc-81fa-455db0a129b9">
                          <div style="text-align: center;">
                           Thursday, 24 September
                          <div style="text-align: center;">
                           10am BST / 11am CEST
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                             <a style="display: block; padding: 19px 25px; text-decoration: none; color: #f8f9fc;" target="_blank">
                              Register now
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