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   A speaker lineup worth talking about.
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                Look who’s talking
                The lineup is here.
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                 Have you registered?
                Here’s a quick peek at some of the speakers who are bringing fresh ideas and growth strategies to the conversation.
                  Pharrell Williams
                 is more than a Grammy-winning musician—he’s an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and founder of
                 . Williams shares his unique perspective on brand building, global-minded approach to commerce, and entrepreneurial journey.
                 is the world's first portable pellet pizza oven—and the fastest-growing one.
                  Corey Maynard
                 , chief marketing officer, talks how they’ve capitalized on the market through word of mouth, made product expansion a competitive edge, and won an entire product category.
                  Lounge Underwear
                 started in a living room, and is now paving the way for comfortable underwear and redefining beauty standards.
                  Mel Marsden
                 , founder and chief brand officer, discusses going DTC and building unforgettable customer experiences for Gen Z consumers.
                  Jimmy Butler
                 is a Miami Heat All-Star forward, and the founder of
                 , a reimagined coffee brand. From a business started in a hotel room, Butler shares how he’s building an entire coffee community.
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                 Join us on October 13, 2021 at 12 PM ET / 9 AM PT.
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                See the full speaker lineup and more information about Commerce+ at
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