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            Google Core Web Vitals — We’ve Got Your Back!
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            We’ve been working behind the scenes for months to get your sites ready for Google’s Core Web Vitals algorithm update. Duda has improved everything from how we load images to widgets, fonts and more.
            <a style="color: #ED7233" target="_blank">
             Check out this blog post
            to learn how these changes will affect your sites.
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             Learn More
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            Webinar Replay: The Core of Core Web Vitals
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            In case you missed our recent Core Web Vitals webinar with Russ Jeffery, Duda’s Director of Strategic Integrations, and Jason Barnard, the Brand SERP Guy,
            <a style="color: #ED7233" target="_blank">
             the replay is ready
            ! Topics covered include how to measure a good experience, the long-term impact of CWV, and more.
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             Watch Replay
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            How To Optimize for Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
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            There are three Core Web Vitals: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). This blog post provides
            <a style="color: #ED7233" target="_blank">
             helpful best practices
            to follow when optimizing websites for LCP.
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