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                  Tens of thousands of Leadpages users have already created high-converting landing pages for paid and organic traffic campaigns, but did you also know that you can create an entire website for your business with the
                   Leadpages website builder
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                  (Side note: it's included on all Leadpages plans!)
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                  Now you can create a drag-and-drop website that's engineered to convert and—best of all!—you can be in control of your website, without fighting with plugins, security issues, high-tech hang-ups, or unresponsive freelancers.
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                  To help you plan and publish your site in just 3 days, we created a free step-by-step video course.
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                   Here’s what you’ll learn in Website in a Weekend:
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                     How to create your site’s action plan that will make this 3-day timeline a breeze.
                    We’ll show you what needs to be decided now, and what can wait.
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                     Which 5 pillar pages to focus on
                    as the foundation of your site and how to free yourself from ‘website overwhelm.’
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                     DIY brand building and essential design rules
                    that will help you put your best foot forward—even if you don’t feel you have ‘the eye’ for that kind of thing.
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                     Conversion cornerstones
                    that will turn your website from static sales page into a key generator for leads and sales.
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                     Mobile must-haves
                    because over half of your visitors are connecting on their phone, we'll show you how to give them the best experience without hiring a developer (no more pinch-and-zoom!).
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                  Whether you want to launch your new primary website for your business, or for a specific program, book launch, or event as a complement to your existing site—the course is completely free and flexible, so you can take in the videos at whatever pace is right for you.
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                  Rapid Learnings from 15 Experts
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                  Marketing &amp; Income Strategist (and Leadpages customer) Nyala Thorpe is hosting a 5-day virtual summit designed to help you attract your ideal clients, market your services more effectively, and increase your conversions. We have a free ticket with your name on it!
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                            How to Get Clients: 40+ Tips from Real-word Coaches &amp; Consultants
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                            Our Highest-Converting Opt-In Page Examples
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                            The 10 Essential Must-Knows for Small Business SEO
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                    What else we’re reading
                      The 10 Best Super Bowl Ads of 2020
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                     via AdWeek
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                   It was a year that leveraged celebrities in unexpectedly fun ways.
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                   Touchdown for marketers &gt;
                      13 Newsletters You’ll Want in Your Inbox in 2020
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                     via Buffer
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                   Having trouble sharpening your skills or finding stellar content for your social media accounts? Invite these emails into your inbox.
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                      From 25 Cents to $25,000 and Beyond: How 15 African-American Entrepreneurs Funded Their Businesses
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                     via Entrepreneur
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                   It's Black History Month. Here are 15 African-American founders who turned small investments into big businesses.
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