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Subscribed 5 years, 1 month ago
tl;dr -
Refer a K-12 teacher to Expensify.org
so we can reimburse 50% of any purchase they make to help underprivileged students in their classrooms.
As fall begins, countless kids around the world have eagerly (or sullenly) returned to school. Many of them are
very prepared. But not all are, and nobody is more qualified to know which kids need help than the teachers
responsible for their care. One such teacher is Doug Bird, who thirty years ago (omg, how did I get so old)
taught my drama class at Swan Valley High School (Go Vikings!) in Saginaw, Michigan.
Doug (aka, Mr. Bird) had a huge impact upon my time in school, like countless millions of other teachers around
the globe – and thirty years later, is still there, helping kids like me find their place in the world. But not
all kids were as lucky as me, and able to show up to school with a backpack of books, a lunchbox of food, and
the basic supplies to learn the basics of growing up in this world.
That's why it is depressingly common for extraordinary teachers like Mr. Bird to dip into their own pockets to
help out the students in their classroom who are less fortunate. This can be as simple as a blank notebook and
a handful of markers, as serious as a pair of clean socks and a winter coat that fits, or as sad as
paying off a kid's lunch
so they can have possibly the only hot meal of their day.
In fact, it's so common for teachers to spend their own money on the kids in their care, that here in the US the
IRS has a special tax break just for teachers: the
Educator Expense
. It allows teachers to deduct up to $250 from their income tax as thanks for helping their kids out.
But it's not nearly enough
and Expensify.org wants to help them help their students.
You might have heard of New Expensify, our highly-simplified, chat-centric, from-scratch rewrite of Expensify
Classic, that we've been working on for years as the foundation for the next generation of the product going
forward. One feature of New Expensify is what we call, quite modestly, "Save The World". This isn't us saving
the world. It's you saving the world. And the latest way you can do it, works like this:
and sign in (or if you're already signed into Expensify Classic, click the green chat bubble in the bottom-right).
Click the big green + button and choose
Save The World
I know a teacher
Think of your favorite teacher. It could be someone who taught you, or someone who teaches your kids.
Enter their email address or phone number, and we'll take it from there.
Specifically, we will split their classroom bill with them in 3 steps:
They scan the receipt of the next purchase they make on behalf of their kids.
We will confirm with their principal (ie, their boss) that it was in fact for kids in their classroom.
We reimburse them 50% (up to $50) from donations made to Expensify.org.
<img src="https://inboxflows.com/_/image/https%253A%252F%252Fd2k5nsl2zxldvw.cloudfront.net%252Fimages%252Fnewsletter%252F2023-10%252Fteachers-unite-2.png/?inbox_flows_img_sig=eyJwYXRoIjoiaHR0cHMlM0ElMkYlMkZkMms1bnNsMnp4bCJ9:1qstY3:o1fds7Cf38u-cnAJX3xOleFBekEw1ldKKXr2S18KwdQ" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;" width="800"/>
It's really that simple: you invite the teacher, and we'll pay them to help their kids. There's no catch – it
doesn't cost you or them anything. We've got the money (a slice of every Expensify Card purchase goes to
Expensify.org via our
Karma Points program
in addition to our Corporate Karma and Personal Karma programs, as well as our network of incredible monthly
donors –
join today!
). We just need your help deciding who to give it to.
So please take a moment to help us help your favorite teacher, so they can help the students in their classroom
who need it the most. These problems shouldn't exist. But they do, and kids are suffering as a result. Let's
give them a hand, and bit by bit, let's save this world together.
Check out
to learn more!
Thank you.
Founder and CEO of Expensify
Questions? Ask me on
<a rel="noopener" target="_blank">
PS: In case it wasn't already clear, Expensify.org is reimbursing teachers who are spending their own money,
helping someone else's kids. These are true heroes, in every sense of the word. Accordingly, we feel very
confident that the money is being well spent, because it's their money – we are only reimbursing half. Furthermore,
we ask their principal (ie, their boss) to confirm every receipt is in fact going to help kids in their classroom,
increasing our confidence further. This is the special and unique model of Expensify.org, which uses the power of
modern expense management to laser target donor funds precisely to specific individuals in need, verified to the
penny by receipt, and multiple layers of human review.
PPS: To support the launch of Teachers Unite, we are sunsetting our SNAP campaign, which provided over $324,076.66
of groceries for over 6356 families since the onset of the pandemic. Though food insecurity is hardly a thing of
the past, the pandemic thankfully is. Going forward we are moving away from emergency subsidies from Expensify.org
to individual users, and towards campaigns like Teachers Unite that seek out and supercharge existing heroes who help
people in need out of their own pockets. Expensify.org’s mission is to "empower individuals and communities to eliminate
injustice around the world by making giving and volunteering more convenient, meaningful, and collaborative". This
is an incredibly exciting transition for us, and we've got lots more ideas in store!
Sent by: Expensify, Inc. - 548 Market St #61434 - San Francisco, CA 94103
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1 year, 5 months ago - davidb@expensify.com
[Expensify] Know any teachers? Let Expensify.org help them help their students
tl;dr - Refer a K-12 teacher to Expensify.org so we can reimburse 50% of any purchase they make t...