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   Sign up to preview Descript Storyboard. Register for live events, and get Descript in the Microsoft Store
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                      We just released an upgrade to Studio Sound that does a better job at restoring all the frequencies when it regenerates speakers' voices. In other words, voices will now sound warmer, clearer, and more life-like after you apply Studio Sound. The new version also works better on laughter.
                      <a style="color: #009d9b; box-sizing: border-box;">
                       Listen to the difference
                      . And stay tuned: the next version will work better on crosstalk, enhancing all the voices instead of just one. That's coming in the next few weeks.
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                       The Big D(escript)
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                     <span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box;">
                      A bunch of Descript folks are in Dallas this week for Podcast Movement. If you’re there, stop by our booth to meet the crew, ask them anything you want, or catch a live Descript demo. Oh, and grab a raffle ticket — we’ll be giving away some premium podcasting gear.
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                       No office hours
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                     <span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box;">
                      Included among the Descript team in Dallas this week is support hero Marcello Farrell — so there’s no live office hours on Twitch this week. He’ll be live again on August 31, and every week after that.
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                      Periodic reminder that we will pay you to tell other creators about how you use Descript. Just apply to our Affiliate Program, we’ll send you a link to share, and you’ll get a 15% recurring commission from every new Descript Creator or Pro subscriber you refer.
                      <a rel="noopener" style="text-decoration: underline; color: #009d9b; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank">
                       Sign up
                      , or
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                       read more
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                     © 2022 Descript | 385 Grove St. San Francisco, CA, 94705
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