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       Hi James 👋
       Your free trial of
        Loom Business
       has expired, so we’ve gone ahead and downgraded the UI Feed Workspace to our free plan,
        Loom Starter
       Loom Starter has the following limits:
        25 Creators
        100 videos &amp; screenshots
        5 min recording length
      The Workspace no longer has access to:
        Drawing tool &amp; mouse emphasis
        Custom recording dimensions
        Custom branding
        Engagement insights
      If you think this happened in error, ask your Admin to reactivate your plan.
       <!-- <br>
              Happy Recording! -->
       The Loom Team
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   <div class="footer" style="color: #7C7C7C; font-size: 14px; line-height: 18px; padding: 0 30px; margin: 30px 0;">
     Loom, Inc.
     <address style="font-style: normal;">
      140 2nd Street Floor 3
      San Francisco, CA 94105
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     Change your notification settings
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