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       Hi Ramy,
       Let the entertainment begin! Here’s what you bought...
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         Fri 25 Dec 2020
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         Sky Cinema 7 day free trial
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         Today’s payment
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        <!--[if (gte mso 9)|(IE)]><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif;"><![endif]-->
        <!-- IF order includes MONTH PASSES - with or without offer/trial - AND CUSTOMER IS BILLED BY US -->
        Month Passes will roll on each month at the standard price, unless you cancel.
        <!-- IF order includes BOOST - with or without offer/trial - AND CUSTOMER IS BILLED BY US -->
        <!-- IF order includes A, B or BOTH, this sentence should run on from the previous one -->
        Check out the T&amp;Cs below to see what you’ll pay.
        <!-- IF order includes offer/trial AND CUSTOMER IS BILLED BY US -->
        If you’re on an offer or a free trial, you’ll start paying the regular price when your offer or trial period ends. To see details of exactly what you’ll be charged and when, log in to
         My Account
        and head to
        <a style="color: #495969; text-decoration: underline;" target="_blank" title="Passes &amp; Vouchers">
         Passes &amp; vouchers
        <!-- IF CUSTOMER IS BILLED BY BT -->
        <!-- IF order includes free trial AND CUSTOMER IS BILLED BY BT -->
        <span style="color: #2B3E50; font-weight: bold;">
         Now let’s get you watching!
        If you’re new to NOW TV,
        <a style="color: #495969; text-decoration: underline;">
         find out the easy ways to start watching here
        . Plus, if you don’t already have our mobile app, just click below to download it now and watch on the go.
         The NOW TV Team
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       <!--[if (gte mso 9)|(IE)]><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;"><![endif]-->
       Download the mobile app and watch on the go
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       <!--[if (gte mso 9)|(IE)]></p><![endif]-->
     <!-- /END OF SUBHEADER -->
     <!-- START OF HERO IMAGE -->
     <div align="center" style="background: #001321; width: 560px; max-width: 100%; width: -webkit-calc(230400px - 48000%); min-width: -webkit-calc(560px); width: calc(230400px - 48000%); min-width: calc(100%);">
      <p style="Margin: 0;">
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       <img alt="NOW TV Mobile App" border="0" src="" style="display: block; width: 100%; height: auto; max-width: 76px; font-size: 20px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; color: #34495E;" title="NOW TV Mobile App" width="76"/>
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      <div align="right" style="background: #001321; width: 270px; max-width: 100%; width: -webkit-calc(230400px - 48000%); min-width: -webkit-calc(270px); width: calc(230400px - 48000%); min-width: calc(100%); font-family: 'NOWTVText', Arial, Sans-Serif; letter-spacing: 0; font-size: 16px; color: #FFFFFF;">
       <p style="Margin: 0 10px 0 10px;">
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        <img alt="Download on the App Store" border="0" src="" style="display: block; width: 100%; height: auto; max-width: 122px; font-size: 20px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; color: #FFFFFF;" title="Download on the App Store" width="122"/>
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      <!-- /END OF IMAGE1 -->
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        <img alt="Get it on Google Play" border="0" src="" style="display: block; width: 100%; height: auto; max-width: 122px; font-size: 20px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; color: #FFFFFF;" title="Get it on Google Play" width="122"/>
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        Free Trial:
       Your free trial will last for 7 days. At the end of the trial period, Month Passes will auto-renew at the standard monthly price, unless cancelled. You can cancel anytime. One free trial per person.
        Sky Cinema Month Pass:
       Auto-renews at £11.99 a month, unless cancelled. You can cancel anytime.
        Payment dates
       : We’ll normally take your first monthly Pass payment on the day you buy it, or at the end of your free trial, and then on the same day in each month that follows. If you buy multiple month Passes at the same time, we might sometimes choose to take your next payments for each Pass on different days. This helps the banks to process your payments correctly. Don’t worry, if we do this we’ll always take your payments on or after the day it would’ve otherwise been, and you’ll only pay the standard monthly price.
       Download selected NOW TV shows and movies via Wi-Fi in the UK (plus while visiting the EU —
       <a style="color: #666666; text-decoration: underline;" target="_blank">
       for more info).
Android and iOS mobile devices only. Streaming only on all other supported devices (downloads unavailable). 2 downloads per episode. 
Downloads deleted from device 48 hours after viewing starts or no later than 30 days after.
       18+. UK only (save for when visiting the EU). Streamed via Wi-Fi (min speed 2.5Mbps). NOW TV Passes stream in 720p (or 1080p if you have NOW TV Boost). Requires broadband/3G/4G (charges may apply). Register up to 6 compatible devices and watch on 2 at the same time (3 if you have NOW TV Boost). If you only have a Sky Sports Mobile Month Pass and no other NOW TV Passes, you can only watch on 1 smartphone at a time. Chromecast counts as 2 devices. You can swap 3 registered devices a month. Some shows aren’t available live and/or on some devices —
       <a style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline; COLOR: #666666" target="_blank" title="Why can’t I watch some shows on the TV channels">
        see show availability information here
       . Shows are available on catch up for at least 7 days from date first shown. Roku LT, XS or 3 and UK account required to watch on Roku. Ongoing monthly prices and channels subject to change.
       <a style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline; COLOR: #666666" target="_blank" title="T&amp;Cs">
        Get clued up on our full T&amp;Cs here
        Functionality and compatibility of NOW TV devices
       : NOW TV employs technologies such as digital rights management and copy protection to control the playback and copying of digital content provided by NOW TV.
       Wi-Fi and NOW TV account required to activate NOW TV devices. HDMI cable (supplied) required for Box. Smart Stick is an HDMI stick for TV only and requires minimum clearance of 10cm (l) x 3cm (h) x 2cm (w) to connect; HDMI extender (not supplied) may be required for wall-mounted or small TVs.
       NOW TV supports the following devices and operating systems:
       PC (Windows 7 or later, including touch-screen devices); Mac (OSX 10.9 (Mavericks) and above); Apple iOS (iPhone: 5S or later; iPad: iPad (5th Generation), iPad Air, iPad Mini 2, iPad Pro (9.7”) or later; iPod Touch: 6th Generation or later —   All iOS devices are supported with iOS 11 or later); Games Consoles (Xbox Series X &amp; S, Xbox One (Xbox LIVE Gold Membership Required), PS4, PS5); Set-top Boxes (NOW TV Box, Apple TV, YouView (2nd Generation or later YouView boxes)); Smart Devices (NOW TV Smart Stick, Roku Streaming Stick, Roku TV, selected LG, Sony and Samsung Smart TV models, Chromecast); Android — Phones and Tablets running Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and later.
       <a style="color: #666666; text-decoration: underline;">
        See all the shiny devices you can watch on
       Android recommended device specification for NOW TV app specs: Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or above, 1.0 Ghz, 1GB RAM, 480x800 Screen Resolution, Disable any 'Eye Tracking' features on your device (Smart Stay / Screen).
       NOW TV does not support Kindle Fire HD and Wii devices, or the connection of mobile devices to your TV e.g. AirPlay.
        Device compatibility for Sky Sports Mobile Month Pass:
       Sky Sports Mobile Month Pass is only available on the following devices and operating systems:
        Apple iPhone
       : 5S or later running on iOS 11 or later;
        Android smartphones
       : Android OS 5.0 (Lollipop) or later, 1.0 Ghz, 1GB RAM, 480x800 Screen Resolution. NOW TV does not currently support connection of mobile devices to your TV e.g. AirPlay. Chromecast is not supported.
        Cancellation period for any content passes:
       You have the right to cancel your purchase of a NOW TV content pass, and receive a full refund without giving any reason, any time up to 14 days (“cooling-off period”) from the later of: (a) the date of purchase; (b) the date of delivery (for content passes which are redeemed using a voucher code we send you or you have purchased as part of a bundle); or (c) receipt of this notice, except where: You activated a Sky Sports Day Pass and agreed at that point that you lost the right to cancel, or you purchased or activated any of our other Passes and agreed at that point you lost the right to cancel.
        How to cancel within cooling-off period:
       If you change your mind and wish to cancel your purchase during your cooling-off period, you can cancel your Pass anytime in
       <a style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline; COLOR: #666666" target="_blank">
        Passes &amp; vouchers
Visit our Help site to find out
       <a style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline; COLOR: #666666" target="_blank">
        how to cancel
       . If you need more help, just
       <a style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline; COLOR: #666666" target="_blank">
        get in touch by live chat
        Effects of cancellation:
       If you cancel during your cooling-off period we will refund to you all payments received from you, including any delivery costs.
       We will make any refund due to you (less any deductions due to us) without undue delay and not later than the earliest of 14 days from the date you notify us of your decision to cancel. We will make the refund using the same means of payment that you used when you placed your order, unless you have agreed otherwise.
        How to cancel your NOW TV subscription outside of cooling-off period:
       If you wish to cancel your purchase outside of the cooling-off period (for example, you have purchased a Sky Cinema Month Pass or Entertainment Month Pass and wish to stop your Pass from automatically renewing), you can cancel your Pass anytime in
       <a style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline; COLOR: #666666" target="_blank">
        Passes &amp; vouchers
Visit our Help site to find out
       <a style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline; COLOR: #666666" target="_blank">
        how to cancel
If you need more help, just
       <a style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline; COLOR: #666666" target="_blank">
        get in touch by live chat
       These cancellation rights do not affect your legal rights.
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       We appreciate that sometimes things go wrong and you may experience problems with NOW TV. When this happens, we want to make sure we resolve your problems as quickly as possible. If you would like to make a complaint, 
please go to
       <a style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline; color:#666666;" target="_blank" title="How to make a complaint">
        How do I make a complaint?
       Our team is available on Live Chat and email from 8am to midnight, 7 days a week, and will help you through your complaint each step of the way.
       <!-- NOW TV Address -->
       NOW TV is a trading name of Sky UK Limited (registered number
       <span class="appleLinksGrey">
       ) of Grant Way, Isleworth, Middlesex, TW7 5QD. Our UK VAT number is 440 6274 67. Prices are inclusive of VAT (where applicable).
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