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       Hi Ramy,
       We hope you’ve enjoyed your supercharged viewing experience, but you’ve now cancelled your NOW TV Boost.
       You can carry on benefiting from full HD and surround sound on up to 3 devices at once until
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        Thu 7 Jan 2021.
        Upgrade again any time
       Don’t forget, if you fancy treating yourself to another NOW TV Boost, you can upgrade again any time. Just sign in to
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        My Account
       with your username or email address, and click the
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       Bye for now,
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       <!-- Start of Product Legals -->
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        NOW TV Boost:
       Full HD &amp; Dolby 5.1 on selected content only. Requires a compatible NOW TV content Pass (£3.99–£33.99 per month); excludes Passes billed by iTunes. Not all content available in HD. Limited HD content on hayu. Sky Sports Mobile Month Pass excluded. If you have an active NOW TV Month Pass, NOW TV Boost auto-renews at £3 extra per month, unless cancelled; you can cancel at any time. If you only have a Sky Sports Day or Week Pass, NOW TV Boost expires one month after purchase. Full HD-capable device, compatible home cinema system and broadband (min. speed 12Mbps) required. Devices compatible with Boost: NOW TV Smart Stick or Box; Roku Express or Streaming Stick; Amazon Fire TV Stick (2nd &amp;amp 3rd Gen, 4K, Lite &amp;amp Basic Edition); JVC Fire TV Edition Smart 4K TV; YouView; Samsung TV; LG TV; Sony TV; Apple TV (4th Gen &amp; later); PS4; PS5; Xbox One; Xbox Series X &amp; S; Chromecast Ultra and 3rd generation. Activate surround sound by changing device settings.
       <!-- NOW TV Terms -->
        NOW TV:
       18+. UK only. Streamed via Wi-Fi (min speed 2.5Mbps). NOW TV Passes stream in 720p (or 1080p if you have NOW TV Boost). Requires broadband/3G/4G (charges may apply). Register up to 6 compatible devices and watch on 2 at the same time (3 if you have NOW TV Boost). If you only have a Sky Sports Mobile Month Pass and no other NOW TV Passes, you can only watch on 1 smartphone at a time. Chromecast counts as 2 devices. You can swap 3 registered devices a month. Some shows aren’t available live and/or on some devices —
       <a style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline; COLOR: #666666" target="_blank" title="Why can’t I watch some shows on the TV channels">
        see show availability information here
       . Shows are available on catch up for at least 7 days from date first shown. Roku LT, XS or 3 and UK account required to watch on Roku. Ongoing monthly prices and channels subject to change.
       <a style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline; COLOR: #666666" target="_blank" title="T&amp;Cs">
        Get clued up on our full T&amp;Cs here
       <!-- NOW TV Address -->
       NOW TV is a trading name of Sky UK Limited (registered number
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       ) of Grant Way, Isleworth, Middlesex, TW7 5QD. Our UK VAT number is 440 6274 67. Prices are inclusive of VAT (where applicable).
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