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         This is the Cyber Monday deal you’ve been waiting for 🍷
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            The holidays bring out that
             warm and fuzzy feeling
            ...But you know what else does? Wine. Uncork savings when you become a Winc member today!
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            Use Promo Code:
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             Offer ends at 11:59pm PST on 12/02/19.
            Valid for new members only.
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           Refer &amp; Earn 2 Bottles
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          5340 Alla Road, Suite 105, Los Angeles, CA, USA
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        Promotions are an instant rebate credit applied to a portion of the purchase price of each product, shipping and handling. All promotions and wine purchases require a 3 bottle minimum and may only apply to $13 bottle orders. Promotions cannot be combined, are not applicable to gift purchases and may only apply to new members. Shipping credits do not apply to overnight shipping. Void where prohibited, only available in US. Winc. Buellton, California.
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