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                   Ecommerce adapts in the face of growth: lessons learned from 2020—predictions for 2021
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                 2020 saw aggressive consumer adoption of ecommerce with retailers rising to the occasion with creative solutions at every turn to meet heightened customer expectations.
                 <a id="" target="_blank" title="Register now">
                  Digital Commerce 360 will share lessons learned
                 from both the consumer and retailer perspective based on research conducted throughout the holiday season. We will talk with our panelists about their findings, performance and perspective along with their predictions for early 2021. A look at projected growth, investments and evolving the customer experience will be highlighted in our discussion.
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                 <span style="font-size: 16px;">
                  Wednesday, January 27
                 <span style="font-size: 16px;">
                  2:00 pm EST
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