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   UK Glasses Frustrations - Party Season - 5th December
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             Give Your Glasses the Evening off This Party Season
            Feel amazing in your new outfit this party season with ACUVUE
            <sup style="line-height:0;">
            Brand Contact Lenses.
            Here at ACUVUE
            <sup style="line-height:0;">
            , we have a range of contact lenses for almost everyone. So, whether you’re short-sighted, long-sighted or have astigmatism – we’ve probably got you covered. We even do multifocal contact lenses.
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             TRY FOR FREE
            If you fancy trying contact lenses you can get a FREE
            <sup style="line-height:0;">
            trial of ACUVUE
            <sup style="line-height:0;">
            before you buy – just in time for the party season.
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            If you would like more information on how contact lenses can suit your lifestyle, or how to use contact lenses, visit
            <a style="color: #676767; text-decoration: none;">
            Best Wishes,
            <span style="color: #1a4487; font-weight: 700;">
             From everyone at ACUVUE
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         <sup style="line-height:0;">
         Professional examination and fitting fees may apply. See full terms and conditions at
         <a style="color: #7b7b7b; text-decoration: none;">

         . 18+. One trial per person. Eligiblity is subject to approval by your Optician.
         <sup style="line-height:0;">
         is a trademark of Johnson &amp; Johnson Medical Ltd. © Johnson &amp; Johnson Medical Ltd, 2018. All rights reserved. Johnson &amp; Johnson Medical Limited, Baird House 4 Lower Gilmore Bank Edinburgh 27NovUK3143
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