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           Will you be the first to apply to these new jobs? 👍
             Waiter / Waitress
            Hoxton East and Shoreditch, London
            PART TIME 
We are looking for bubbly person to join our team...
             Team Member
            Whitechapel, London
            Sandwich Artist Maker for vegetarian chain. No experience ne...
             Shotgirl / cocktail waitress
            Camden Town with Primrose Hill, London
            Looking for a girl for 4 hours shift on Saturday in great ni...
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            Strand and Whitehall, London
            Are you into healthy food? Do you enjoy working in a fun pla...
             Waiter / Waitress
            Mayfair and St James, London
            Waiter / Waitress, Private members club, Monday - Friday.
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            Bigmoes Dinner Aldgate branch looking for charming and heard...
             Restaurant and Bar Team Member
            Forest, London
            - To provide friendly relaxing welcome an experience to our ...
             Front house, customer service,...
            Spitalfields and Banglatown, London
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             Pharmacy Assistant
            White Hart Lane, London
            Taking money 
Giving advice/ supervision from the pharmacist...
             Floor Staff
            City of London, London
            Join us and work alongside a dedicated, friendly team and be...
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