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   Mitsubishi Motors North America
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   It's the final days of our Spring Sales Event.
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           <img alt="MITSUBISHI MOTORS. Drive your Ambition." src="" width="700"/>
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           <img alt="MITSUBISHI MOTORS. Drive your Ambition." src="" width="100%"/>
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       <tr class="row-3">
        <td class="column">
         <div class="heading">
          <h2 class="h3" style="margin: 30px 0 15px;">
           Last chance to save on
           <br class="hide-for-small"/>
           the 2024 Mitsubishi Outlander
         <div class="align-center">
          <table class="stack" role="none" style="width:360px; max-width:360px">
            <td class="small-12" style="padding: 0 0 10px">
             <p class="h2" style="margin:0">
              <span class="a5">
               0% APR
             <p style="font-weight:700; margin:0">
              For 60 Months
            <td class="small-12" style="padding:0 14px 10px;font-weight:700">
            <td class="small-12" style="padding: 0 0 10px">
             <p class="h2" style="margin:0">
              <span class="a5">
             <p style="font-weight:700; margin:0">
              Customer Cash
          <table role="none" style="width: 350px; max-width:350px;">
            <td style="border-bottom: 1px solid #686D71; line-height:10px;">
         <p class="h2" style="margin:16px 0 0">
          <span class="a5">
         <p style="font-weight:700; margin: 0 0 30px">
          Lease for 48 Months
          Don’t miss out on a
          <span style="font-weight: 600;">
           2023 IIHS
           <span style="font-style: italic;">
            TOP SAFETY PICK
          <br class="hide-for-small"/>
          Complete with
          <span style="font-weight: 600;">
           Advanced Driver Assistance Systems,*
          <br class="hide-for-small"/>
          <span style="font-weight: 600;">
           Super All‑Wheel Control,
          and a refined cabin with three rows
          <br class="hide-for-small"/>
          of seating so everyone can comfortably enjoy the ride.
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         <table role="none" style="width: 100%;">
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                 <td class="small-12" style="width: 33%;">
                  <p class="h2" style="margin: 0; font-weight: 400;">
                  <p style="margin:0 0 20px; font-weight:600">
                   Super All‑Wheel
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                  BOOK A TEST DRIVE
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              <td style="border-bottom: 1px solid #FFFFFF; line-height:60px;">
     <!--   @end red offers -->
     <!-- @start blue offers -->
     <div class="look-4">
      <!-- three photos -->
      <table role="none" style="width: 100%;">
        <td class="img-wrap">
         <img alt="2024 FAMILY GREEN CAR OF THE YEAR. GREEN CAR JOURNAL†." class="hide-for-small" src="" width="700"/>
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         <img alt="2024 FAMILY GREEN CAR OF THE YEAR. GREEN CAR JOURNAL†." class="show-for-small" src="" width="100%"/>
      <div class="space-2">
      <table role="none" style="width: 100%;">
       <tr class="row-2">
        <td class="column">
         <div class="heading">
          <h2 class="h3" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">
           Charge ahead in the
           <br class="hide-for-small"/>
           2024 Mitsubishi Outlander Plug‑in Hybrid
         <div class="align-center">
          <table class="stack" role="none" style="width: 480px; max-width: 480px;">
            <td style="padding: 0 0 12px">
             <p class="h2" style="margin:0">
              <span class="a3">
             <p style="font-weight:700; margin:0">
              Lease for 24 Months
            <td style="padding:0 0 12px;font-weight:700">
            <td style="padding: 0 0 12px">
             <p class="h2" style="margin:0">
              <span class="a3">
               5.99% APR
             <p style="font-weight:700;margin:0">
              For 60 Months
         <div class="space" style="line-height: 18px">
          Plug into power and performance. Go farther with up
          <br class="hide-for-small"/>
          <span style="font-weight: 600;">
           420 miles of total gas and electric range
          and feel
          <br class="hide-for-small"/>
          great knowing you made the eco‑friendly choice with
          <br class="hide-for-small"/>
          <span style="font-weight: 600;">
           Green Car Journal’s Family Green Car of the Year™.
      <!-- three columns and button -->
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        <td class="column">
         <table class="stack" role="none" style="width: 100%;">
          <tr style="vertical-align: top;">
           <td class="small-12" style="padding: 0 7px; width: 33%;">
            <p class="h2" style="font-weight:400; margin:0">
            <p style="margin:0 0 5px; font-weight:600">
             Total Range
            <p class="p4" style="margin: 0 0 30px">
             64 Combined MPGe
           <td class="small-12" style="padding: 0 7px; width: 33%;">
            <p class="h2" style="font-weight:400; margin:0">
             38 Mins.
            <p style="margin:0 0 5px; font-weight:600">
             Best Charging Time
            <p class="p4" style="margin: 0 0 30px">
             Approx. 80% using DC fast charger
           <td class="small-12" style="padding: 0 7px; width: 33%;">
            <p class="h2" style="font-weight:400; margin:0">
            <p style="margin:0 0 5px; font-weight:600">
             Drive Modes
            <p class="p4" style="margin: 0 0 30px">
             For efficiency
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               BOOK A TEST DRIVE
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           <td style="border-bottom: 1px solid #FFFFFF; line-height:60px;">
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     <!--   @end blue offers -->
     <!-- @start purple offers -->
     <div class="look-4">
      <table role="none" style="width: 100%;">
        <td class="img-wrap">
         <img alt="5-Star Safety Ratings. More Stars. Safer Cars." class="hide-for-small" src="" width="700"/>
         <!--[if !mso]><!-->
         <img alt="5-Star Safety Ratings. More Stars. Safer Cars." class="show-for-small" src="" width="100%"/>
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       <tr class="row-2">
        <td class="column">
         <div class="heading">
          <h2 class="h3" style="margin: 0 0 15px">
           Cruise in control with the
           <br class="hide-for-small"/>
           2024 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
         <div class="align-center">
          <table class="stack" role="none" style="width:400px; max-width: 400px;">
            <td style="padding: 0 0 12px">
             <p class="h2" style="margin:0">
              <span class="a4">
               0% APR
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              For 48 Months
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          Images shown may not represent actual production models.
          0.0% APR for 60 months (60 monthly payments of $16.67 per $1,000 financed at 0.0% APR with $0 down payment); or $1,500 with Standard Financing; or lease a 2024 Outlander ES 2.5 2WD for $309 per month for 48 months. Each offer is only available through Santander Consumer USA and is subject to approved credit and insurance. Not all customers will qualify. Price, terms and vehicle availability may vary. Limited availability at participating dealers may require placing an order and could cause a delay in delivery. Offers may not be combined with each other nor with factory cash rebates. Lease offer requires $4,809 due at lease signing. Includes required refundable security deposit. Excludes tax, license, title, registration, documentation fees, insurance and dealer charges. Lease example for 2024 Outlander ES 2.5 2WD, MSRP $28,570 plus $1,445 ($1,570 Alaska/Hawaii) destination and handling. Net capitalized cost is $25,910 and includes $595 acquisition fee. Option to purchase at lease end at price determined at lease signing. Lessee is responsible for maintenance, repairs, excess wear, and $0.25 per mile over 10,000 miles/year and $395 disposition fee if applicable. Other important restrictions apply. See your participating dealer for complete details. Offers valid from 02/01/2024 through 04/01/2024.
          Available feature. Super All‑Wheel Control (S‑AWC) adds Active Yaw Control (AYC) to realize the AWC concept at a very high level. While this Integrated Vehicle Dynamics Control System manages the driving forces and braking forces of the four wheels to help realize vehicle behavior that is faithful to the operation by the driver under a variety of driving conditions, it is not a substitute for careful driving. S‑AWC cannot prevent collisions or loss of traction in all conditions. Exercise caution so your full attention is given to vehicle operation in all road conditions.
          Available feature. 2024 EPA Fuel Economy Estimates: 24 City/31 Highway/27 Combined for Outlander ES, SE, SEL 2WD, 24 City/30 Highway/26 Combined for Outlander ES, SE &amp; SEL S‑AWC. Actual mileage may vary with driving conditions. Use for comparison only.
          Lease: $362 per month / 24 months / $4,361 due at lease signing. Includes $6,200 EV Lease Customer Cash offer and $1,000 Mitsubishi lease rebate. 10,000 miles/year. No security deposit required. Monthly payment includes $1,095 acquisition fee. Excludes tax, title, license, and dealer options and charges. Lease example is for 24‑month lease of 2024 Outlander PHEV SE S‑AWC, MSRP $43,395 plus $1,445 ($1,570 Alaska / Hawaii) destination and handling. Net capitalized cost is $34,736 and includes $1,095 acquisition fee, $1,000 Mitsubishi lease rebate, and $6,200 Federal EV lease incentive applied as EV Lease Customer Cash for a capitalized cost reduction. Available through Santander Consumer USA, subject to approved credit and insurance. Not all customers will qualify. Qualified lessees of a 2024 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV may qualify for up to a $7,000 EV lease incentive. Lease incentive is offered by a third party as a cap cost reduction, is not within Mitsubishi’s control, and is subject to change without notice. Lessees cannot claim a tax credit on personal tax return. Consult a tax professional for details and eligibility requirements. This information does not constitute tax or legal advice. Important restrictions and rules apply. Contact your dealer for program details and eligibility requirements. Incentives referenced are for informational purposes only. Offer excludes tax, title, license, and dealer options and charges. Option to purchase at lease end at price determined at lease signing. Lessee is responsible for maintenance, repairs, excess wear, and $0.25 per mile over 10,000 miles/year and $395 disposition fee if applicable. Offer valid from 03/01/2024‌ through‌ 04/01/2024.
          5.99% APR for 60 months (60 monthly payments of $19.33 per $1,000 financed at 5.99% APR with $0 down payment). Available through Santander Consumer USA, subject to approved credit and insurance. Some customers will not qualify. Price, terms and vehicle availability may vary. Limited availability at participating dealers may require placing an order and could cause a delay in delivery. This offer may not combine with factory cash rebates. See your participating dealer for details. Offer valid from 02/01/2024‌ through‌ 04/01/2024.
          Electric range of up to 38 miles on a full charge and a combined electricity + gasoline range of 420 miles. Combined fuel economy Electricity + Gasoline of 64 MPGe. EPA highway mileage estimate. Actual range and mileage may vary with driving conditions. Use for comparison only.
          Outlander PHEV DC fast charging is only available with CHAdeMO charging systems.
          0.0% APR for 48 months (48 monthly payments of $20.83 per $1,000 financed at 0.0% APR with $0 down payment). Available through Santander Consumer USA, subject to approved credit and insurance. Some customers will not qualify. Price, terms and vehicle availability may vary. This offer may not combine with factory cash rebates. See your participating dealer for details. Offer valid from 02/01/2024‌ through‌ 04/01/2024.
          Lease: $409 per month/36 months/$3,408 due at lease signing. Includes required refundable security deposit. Excludes tax, license, title, registration, documentation fees, insurance and the like. Lease example for 2024 Eclipse Cross ES 1.5T
          <span class="nowrap-for-small">
          , MSRP $26,550 plus $1,445 ($1,570 Alaska/Hawaii) destination and handling. Available through Santander Consumer USA, subject to approved credit and insurance. Net capitalized cost is $25,591 and includes $595 acquisition fee. Option to purchase at lease end at price determined at lease signing. Lessee is responsible for maintenance, repairs, excess wear, and $0.25 per mile over 10,000 miles/year and $395 disposition fee if applicable. Not all customers will qualify. Price, terms and vehicle availability may vary. Other lease terms/details apply. This offer may not combine with factory cash rebates. See your participating dealer for details. Offer valid from 02/01/2024‌ through‌ 04/01/2024.
          2024 EPA Fuel Economy Estimates: 25 City/28 Highway for Eclipse Cross ES, 25 City/26 Highway for Eclipse Cross LE, SE, SEL. Actual mileage may vary with driving conditions. Use for comparison only.
          Always check the area around the liftgate, and make sure its path of travel is clear before opening and closing it. Be sure the liftgate is closed and latched before driving the vehicle. Water, weather, dirt, and other conditions could obscure the kick sensor, causing it to not operate properly. See Owner’s Manual for more information.
          Includes 10‑Year/100,000‑Mile Powertrain Limited Warranty; 5‑Year/Unlimited‑Mile Roadside Assistance; and 2‑Year/30,000‑Mile Limited Maintenance. Powertrain coverage terms are from original in‑service date and applicable only to original owner. Subsequent owners receive balance of 5‑Year/60,000‑mile New Vehicle Limited Warranty. Roadside Assistance timed from date vehicle is first sold or put into use, whichever is earlier. Certain assistance and vehicle uses excluded. Limited Maintenance includes three oil and filter changes, three tire rotations, three multi‑point inspections, and one cabin filter change within specified time/mileage windows. Not transferable to subsequent owner. Parts or services not redeemed within specified windows are forfeited. Certain restrictions apply. See retailer for complete details. References to time/mileage limitations are to whichever occurs first.
          Advanced Driver Assist Systems are driver aids only and are not substitutes for safe and careful driving. Under certain circumstances, these systems may not sound an alert, provide steering input, or apply braking. The driver must remain engaged with the driving task and monitor the environment at all times. See Owner’s Manual for further information.
          For more information see
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          The Head‑Up Display system is a driver aid only and is not a substitute for safe driving. Never focus your attention only on the display while driving since you may fail to see pedestrians, other vehicles, and objects on the road.
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          Corporate Headquarters: Mitsubishi Motors North America, Inc., 4031 Aspen Grove Drive, Suite 650, Franklin, TN 37067
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