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                        Belden Twin-Over-Full Stair Bunk Bed
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                        Nuna EXEC(TM) All-In-One Car Seat
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              New cardmembers earn 10% back in rewards for Net Eligible purchases made at Williams Sonoma, Williams Sonoma Home, Pottery Barn, Pottery Barn Kids, Pottery Barn Teen, West Elm, and Mark &amp; Graham (excludes Rejuvenation and GreenRow) during the first 30 days from account opening, 5% thereafter. Some approved customers will not be eligible to make same-day purchases, for example, if they do not timely complete any required authentication process and/or their applications present fraud concerns. Customers who are not eligible for a virtual card will not be able to make a purchase until their card arrives in the mail.
              The Williams Sonoma, West Elm, Pottery Barn, and Key Rewards Visa and services are offered by Capital One, N.A., pursuant to a license from Visa, Inc.
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  <!-- end Global_Pixel_Emails -->
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  <!-- CP/DV Open Pixel -->
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