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                Available now!
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               OASYS with Transitions
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               Light Intelligent Technology
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               light adaptive contact lenses.
               Are you one of the 64% of the population who admit to being bothered by bright light daily?
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               Ever walked into a restaurant on a sunny day and had to wait for your eyes to adjust to being indoors? Or, found yourself squinting through a lunch date?
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               When it comes to light that bothers you, ACUVUE
               <sup style="line-height:0;">
               OASYS with Transitions
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               helps you enjoy each moment while reducing the stressful impact that light can have on your eyes.
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                     * Compared with ACUVUE
                     <sup style="line-height:0;">
                     OASYS with HYDROCLEAR PLUS.
                     § By helping your vision recover from bright light faster and reducing squinting.
                     1 JJV Data on File 2018. Substantiation for bothersome light need prevalence
                     2 JJV Data on File 2018: ACUVUE® OASYS Brand Contact Lenses with Transitions™ Light Intelligent Technology™ - Objective Clinical.
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