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   New styles live at a Bonobos near you.
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                               FREE SHIPPING &amp; RETURNS IN THE U.S.
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                               THE FALL LINEUP
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                                     NEW SEASON, NEW GROOVES, NEW YOUS
                                    <td class="mfz-18 mlh-22" style="letter-spacing: -0.2px; color:#161714; font-family:'SpeziaSerif', 'RobotoLight', Georgia, sans-serif; text-align:left; font-size: 20px; line-height: 26px; padding-bottom: 20px;">
                                     Picture you. Now picture you, but in your groove. That's what we're going to help you accomplish all season long.
                                    <td align="left">
                                     <!-- CTA -->
                                     <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: separate;">
                                       <td class="btn" style="letter-spacing: 2px; border: 1px solid #000001; border-radius: 2px; color:#161714; text-align:center; font-weight:500; mso-padding-alt:14px 34px; font-size: 14px; line-height: 18px; font-family:'SpeziaSemiMono', 'RobotoMonoRegular' Arial, sans-serif;">
                                        <a class="link" data-linkto="https://" style="color:#161714;text-decoration:none;display: block; padding: 14px 34px;" target="_blank" title="">
                                         SHOP NEW ARRIVALS
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                                           <span style="text-transform: uppercase;">
                                            We'll play backup, so you can groove with the next you.
                                    <th class="column mpb-20" style="font-size:0pt; line-height:0pt; padding:0; margin:0; font-weight:normal;" width="36">
                                    <th class="column-dir-top" style="font-size:0pt; line-height:0pt; padding:0; margin:0; font-weight:normal; direction:ltr; vertical-align:center;" width="292">
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                                        TAKE SOME RISKS
                                       <td class="mfz-18 mlh-22" style="letter-spacing: -0.2px; color:#161714; font-family:'SpeziaSerif', 'RobotoLight', Georgia, san-serif; text-align:left; font-size: 20px; line-height: 26px; padding-bottom: 20px;">
                                        With a new lineup inspired by the icons of jazz, you'll be ready to improvise and noodle around with your style. So take some risks. Try something new.
                                       <td align="left">
                                        <!-- CTA -->
                                        <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: separate;">
                                          <td class="btn" style="letter-spacing: 2px; border: 1px solid #000001; border-radius: 2px; color:#161714; text-align:center; font-weight:500; mso-padding-alt:14px 34px; font-size: 14px; line-height: 18px; font-family:'SpeziaSemiMono', 'RobotoMonoRegular', Arial, sans-serif;">
                                           <a class="link" data-linkto="https://" style="color:#161714;text-decoration:none;display: block; padding: 14px 34px;" target="_blank" title="">
                                            SHOP NEW ARRIVALS
                                        <!-- END CTA -->
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                                  GET OUT OF YOUR STYLE FUNK
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                                  <span style="text-transform: uppercase;">
                                   Our Fall Collection is full of classics and new sensations ready to be remixed and matched.
                               <!-- END 19. Title, copy, 2x images, 2x links -->
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