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   Webinar Tomorrow: Meditation &amp; Sales
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   What if we told you that a simple exercise before a discovery call can clear your mind completely?
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          <img alt="Mindful Meditation@2x (1)" sizes="(max-width: 430px) 100vw, 430px" src="" srcset=";width=860&amp;upscale=true&amp;name=Mindful%20Meditation@2x%20(1).png 430w,;width=1720&amp;upscale=true&amp;name=Mindful%20Meditation@2x%20(1).png 860w" style="vertical-align:bottom; -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; width:430px; max-width:430px" width="430"/>
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         Hi Sarah,
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        Sales teams are infamous for being incredible multitaskers. You are juggling a million things at any given moment...especially in recent months!
        So how are you supposed to fit meditation in your day? What if we told you that a simple exercise before a discovery call can clear your mind completely?
        Join Front, Gong, and Aircall
         <a data-hs-link-id="1" rel="noopener" style="-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; -ms-text-size-adjust:100%" target="_blank">
          tomorrow, September 16th at 11am PT
        for a panel discussion to learn how self-care and meditation can play a crucial role in sales. We'll then follow up with a meditation session led by the relaxation experts at Journey Meditation.
        Now...take a deep, calming breath and
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          save your spot
        Front Team
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          Frontapp, Inc.
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         <span style="color: #999999;">
          1455 Market Street Floor 19
         <span style="color: #999999;">
          San Francisco, CA, 94103
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