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   Set up your team’s shared space
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                      Hey Sarah,
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                      Welcome to Trello Business Class! We’re here to help you get your team up and running.
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                      The first step is setting up your team. From your Trello home (the button below will take you there), you can select your team and start configuring. You can add members, control permissions, and manage your team from here.
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                            Get Started →
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                      There’s more to Trello Business class than we can fit into a single email, so we’ll be sending you a few more tips to help you get set-up properly.
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                      In the meantime, here are links others have found helpful:
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                       <font color="#026AA7">
                        Setting up your Business Class team
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                        Business Class 101 Webinar
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                        Help articles for Business Class
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                      Lastly, if you ever need any help, don’t hesitate to
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                        contact our support team
                      . We’ll get back to you within one business day.
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                      Taco and the Trello team
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