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           Our SplitSave video, obviously. Watch now
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                Here's a split you'll want to see
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               SplitSave, our new money-saving app feature, could save you £260 a year*!
               Cue confetti cannon. But what exactly makes a good split or a bad split?
               Watch our new video to find out.
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                    Terms &amp; Conditions
                  <strong style="color:#01C3A7">
                   Annual SplitSave savings
                  *Based on average savings for iOS bookings in November 2019 comparing SplitSave fares vs Anytime fares and average Trainline customer frequency in 2019. Subject to SplitSave fares being available. Excludes coach. Excludes booking fee.
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                   Registered address and tax
                  You have been sent this email by the Trainline Group.
                  The Trainline Group consists of:
                  • Limited (company number 3846791) and Trainline International Limited (company number 06881309) whose registered office is at 120 Holborn, London, EC1N 2TD; VAT number 791 7261 06
                  • Trainline SAS (RCS Paris 512 277 450) is domiciled at 20 rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris with a registered capital of 118 513.94 Euros. The company is registered under IM078100022 with the commercial trade authority at 79-81, rue de Clichy, 75009 Paris; VAT number FR 58 512 277 450
                  Our Privacy Policy is available
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