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        Whether you’re looking to spice up your dinner menus, tap into new perspectives as an artist, or nurture your personal growth, our experts will help you break free of the daily grind and embrace the fresh possibilities of the season.
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             Member Wins
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         Make charred salsa like a trendsetting chef
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        with Gabriela Cámara, proprietor of Contramar and author of
         My Mexico City Kitchen
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         Take pictures that capture the essence of the season
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        with Annie Leibovitz, internationally acclaimed photographer
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         Start Learning
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         Conquer new challenges using improv
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       <p style="margin: 0; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: left; font: normal 14px/20px Helvetica, Arial; opacity: 0.8;">
        with Amy Poehler, Emmy winner,
         Parks and Recreation
        star, and
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         Recommended for you
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        In Part 1, spend the day with the first woman self-made billionaire and learn her secrets for staying relevant and sustaining success. Dive deeper into her life lessons in Part 2.
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         “I made tacos al pastor inspired
         by Gabriela Cámara… [Being
         an Angeleno] means embracing
         values from many cultures—
         Mexican, Korean, and American.”
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          —Jonathan Lee
         , MasterClass member
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        Jonathan upped his taco game with
         Iron Chef
        star Gabriela Cámara. (He even added mezcal!) What crowd-pleasing meals will you cook?
        Own your kitchen, unlock your creativity, and boost your brand with the world’s best in food, entertainment, business, and more. Only on MasterClass.
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