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                           Binance UK joins the UK’s FinTech Founders Association
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                    <p dir="ltr">
                     Binance UK is pleased to announce our recent partnership with the UK’s Fintech Founders group, an independent not-for-profit organisation representing the UK’s leading entrepreneurs and founders in the fintech sector.
                    <p dir="ltr">
                     As a global leader in the digital asset industry, Binance is committed to working with associations and members to educate and support the development of informed and effective governance models which promote the overall growth of the blockchain ecosystem.
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                    <p dir="ltr">
                      “We’re excited to become a partner with the Fintech Founders group, to be part of this highly
                      influential network and look forward to supporting the UK’s advancement for fintech companies
                      as well as financial institutions to work together for mutual benefit."
                     said Ilir Laro, Deputy Head of UK at Binance.
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                    <p dir="ltr">
                     Together, this group of industry experts and stakeholders collaborate to bring together and connect the most forward-thinking participants in Fintech, promoting the highest possible standards and creating a global financial services sector that is more transparent, more sustainable and more inclusive.
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                    <p dir="ltr" id="i5zqz-3">
                      "The digital asset sector likely represents the embodiment of the next iteration of the internet as we know it - and Binance has been a global leader and pioneer in this emerging sector. Binance is also one of the fastest-growing founder-led companies in history, and so our group is really looking forward to the support from Binance and the opportunity to collaborate through this partnership.”
                     said Christian Faes, Founder and Chair of the Fintech Founders Group.
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                    <p dir="ltr">
                      About FinTech Founders
                    <p dir="ltr">
                     FinTech Founders (previously called the Digital Finance Forum) is a network of the UK’s leading fintech founders aiming to create an opportunity for real conversations, and better collaboration amongst entrepreneurs, startups, government, regulators and across the financial services landscape. Since late 2016, our group has been hosting a series of invitation-only events for the founders of successful financial technology companies and leaders at the forefront of building the fintech sector. The group has previously hosted guest speakers from senior levels of government, 10 Downing Street, the World Economic Forum, experienced financial services investors and senior banking executives.
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